what cards could go well with my deck?
cards= 42
monsters (20)
x2 goggle golem
x2 shield warrior
x2 des koala
x1 red eyes zombie dragon
x1 newdoria
x1 level warrior
x1 bowganian
x1 obnoxious celtic guard
x1 drillago
x1 fortress warrior
x1 ultimate tyranno
x1 mine golem
x1 mechanical hound
x1 grasschopper
x1 zero gardna
x1 turbo booster
x1 fusilier dragon, the dual-mode beast
spell (12)
x2 mirage tube
x1 mystical space typhoon
x1 pot of greed
x1 misfortune
x1 reload
x1 hammer shot
x1 fissure
x1 poison of the old man
x1 giant trunade
x1 nightmare’s steelcage
x1 ookazi
traps (10)
x2 sakuretsu armor
x1 compulsory evacuation device
x1 enchanted javelin
x1 threatening roar
x1 coffin seller
x1 shadow spell
x1 birthright
x1 call of the haunted
x1 ominous fortunetelling
oqay so i’ve been looking for cards that have effect that work from the graveyard/when sent to the graveyard (and that fits my deck), what aree some cards that i should get?
Monsters look good but i suggest taking 2 cards out to get you down to 40. Pot of Greed is illegal so that is an easy one card, the other should probably be ookazi. You already have poison of the old man to do damage or heal. I also suggest replacing your reload with magical mallet and at least one, if not both of your sakuretsu armors with dimensional prison.
You can try lightsworn wulf. He’s a lvl 4 with 2100. Atk. His ability is when he’s sent to the grave from your deck he special summons to the field. So if you run foolish burials he’s gold.
fortress warrior and sakurestu