What are the risks of living in a house that was formerly 4 months ago was used to grow illegal Marijuana ?

A close friend of mine just recently bought a house that was seized in a illegal marijuana growth operation and chemicals laboratory. The house was listed in november of last year right after being seized by police. It was bought by an investor who in 20 days cleaned the house, painted it (didn’t change the carpet though)and relisted back in the market in december of 2009. The house remained in the market for 42 days. My friend just recently bought for extremely low price. It was clearly outlined in the listing of the house that it hs been formerly used for above operations but now it is being cleared by health assessment report.
is it really safe to live in that house
The house also had a chemical laboratory
If they were growing marijuana in that house, it was probably used as a location to sell marijuana or other drugs. If she decides to live there, she should put up a sign that says “A Police Officer Lives Here – No Illegal Activity Will Be Tolerated” in front of the house so drug buyers would get the message.
ya, mjane isn’t like meth cooking — doesn’t leave lots of awful chemicals around. The likely worst would be fertilizer — industrial strength vacuum and carpet cleaning called for on top of what’s already been done.
no problem as within 6 months it will be legal
technically…yes. Marijuana is just a plant if you think about it, herbs, as with any plant after a while it dies, (that how it is smoke) the fumes are only effective as its being smoke and maybe in closed areas (hot boxing) a little while after. If the house has been cleaned, re-painted and aired out, there isnt any risk. I say, just carpet clean the house just so there is no smell, because if the smell has gone through the carpet into the floor, it might be there forever, the smell however isnt harmful, and you cant get high, as the carpet wont be “smoked.” I think that since that would be a common misconception, your friend probably got a great house at a great deal, and should take it for what its worth, and enjoy it!!!
no risks, just take some deep breaths!
Seriously though, marijuana is just a plant, just like a flower.
As long they weren’t smoking it in there wouldn’t any detrimental affects. Even if they were smoking it in there, it wouldn’t linger around. It would kind of be the same of buying a home where the person smoked.
safe as in for your health-yes….my only concern would be that this person could have been a dealer and his/her clients can still show up at all hours of the night…that house is associated with drugs…so people may still think the former person lives there
There should be no problem moving in and living in that house. Just because it may have a slight smell of Marijuana in no implies the property owner is dealing in drugs. Further is was noted prior that the house had been involved in illegal dealings. The only way the owner could have a problem would be if he decided to keep illegal drugs in the house and it was raided and drugs were found. Which is would not happen.
The house should be perfectly safe and fine to live in. Tell him./her to enjoy their new home ,
If it were a crack house most states close them down and it takes about $10,000 dollars to clean up and make safe, so I doubt that you have a problem. I believe they have to inform you that your health is indanger when you buy. If you have any questions call the health board or the city to find out if there are any restriction on the house. Marijuana doesn’t impose any problem as there are not chemical residues that could harm you. marijuana is actually prescribed for medical conditions, such as depression, Chemotherapy and more. so the only real concern is chemical that are used for making crystal meth. Some of these same chemicals are used in colds medications, printing, cleaning and rejuvenating rubber rollers. It has other uses but I don’t know what they are at this time. If you noticed certain cold medicines were taken off the shelves because dealers were using them to make Meth amphetamines. Drugist are required to report any large sales of such medications.
If your house got a clean bill of health don’t worry about it. Especially if the house was only used for marijuana. This drug would make more sense then alcohol to be legal as alcohol is the leading cause of violent crimes. The only time people become violent on pot or weed as it is sometime called is when they are using alcohol with it. The commercial that was made many years ago was a farce if people got that wild eye they would be easy to spot. Your best friend could be using and you would never know. The drugs they prescribe mostly for depression are more harmful both physically and mentally. They make some people angry.
Hope this made you feel more secure and gave you the information in case the house was used to make crack, crank or meth. The production of these are ones that leave residues. Funny though no body said anything about them when they were in the chemicals I used in the printing business and know I have Leukemia. When the girl said earlier that it would be legal in six months she was talking about marijuana. The other suggestion to put up a sign about a police watch sounds good too. You don’t want a lot of traffic ringing your bell.
If it has been cleared by a health assesment and documentation of same proided you have no worries. They are not going to take a chance of being sued.
she got it cheap because it is stigmitized, it will never really be worth its neighbors.
Don’t worry about the chemicals.
You need to look at the structure, that is was not damaged as they put in the air vents and watch for mold, as the house was kept very humid.
The investor made a killing, they sell those houses dirt cheap, I bid on several a couple of years ago when they were arresting people for this left and right.