What are the penalty’s for possesing under an ounce of Marijuana in Washington State and the State of Oregon?

I will be visiting.
I am a current California Medical Marijuana Patient.
I really would like to know from local’s of the state how police re-act when they find Marijuana?
In California it is basically De-Criminalized. Proposition 19 did not pass, but you do not even have to appear at court at all for Marijuana Possesion just a simple $100 fine if you are caught with under an ounce for personal use.
So, Again What are the Penalty’s if you are caught with Marijuana for Personal use?
Misdemeanorr or Felony? Both?
Most Likely Result After Court?
Oregon Marijuana Laws: http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4559
Washington Marijuana Laws: http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4571
Theres a website that will pay $100 to people who get caught with weed. Its intended for places where it is decriminalize,d but maybe they will give you some money, too.