What are the legal penalties for growing more marijuana than legally allowed with medicinal marijuana?Wa state?

I just saw a news report of a grow room in everette washington. They were licensed but were growing more than their legal amount. The news than stated they would face penalties to growing more than their legal amount. I was always under the impression it would be charged as any illegal operation would. Does anyone know what type of legal penalties that would bring and the differences if you were not a legal medical marijuana user? Please only answers that have to do with washington state.
Try http://www.hightimes.com or http://www.normal.org they should have the answers
They would probably lose their license. Then I think it would depend on how much they are over the limit if they are growing for medical purposes. A little over the limit they can say it was a mistake or have some other valid excuse. A lot over the limit then they will probably face regular criminal charges.
Here is a video about a medical marijuana patient in California