What are the differences between the way you smoke cigarettes, hookahs, and marijuana pipes?

Doing a report about smoking, but am having trouble figuring out the technique used to smoke cigarettes, hookahs, and marijuana. In other words, how do you smoke each of these?
It is my understanding that you don’t inhale cigarettes, you simply keep the smoke in your mouth. With marijuana and hookah (shisha) you inhale the smoke. Is this correct?
No, you inhale all of it. If you don’t inhale, the desired substance won’t be absorbed into your body. You light a cigarette once and it stays lit. A hookah, if loaded properly, should remain “cherried”. A marijuana pipe must be continuously lit each time you take a hit, unless it happens to become “cherried”. Hookah smoking material is designed to stay “cherried”, marijuana is just something that grows naturally. Marijuana pipes will also often have something called a “carb”, which is a small hole on the side of the bowl, underneath the chamber where the marijuana is loaded. You plug the hole with your thumb while lighting the bowl, as the pipe fills with smoke, and release the hole once the pipe has filled with what’s taken to be enough smoke for a suitable hit. When the carb’s open the smoke flows a lot faster, you see. Marijuana is also often smoked from water pipes called bubblers and bongs, which I can explain to you if you’d like.
you always inhale cigarettes… its cigars that you dont inhale.
Hookahs More Popular Among Teens Than Cigarettes http://www.cigarettespub.com/info/smoking-hookahs-cool-for-teenagers
Sure, they have differences between them. I tried all of them. In general I like more smooth tobacco taste. This is why I usually smoke Virginia cigs. And I like the banana taste of hookahs. I’m note agree with you. I think that is veceversa. You inhale much more smoke from a cigarette than from a pipe or hookahs.
You’ve got your facts a little mixed up.
Marijuana, in any form – joint, blunt, bowl, or bong- is usually inhaled.
Tobacco is really only inhaled in cigarette form. Cigars, pipes, and hookahs are smoked (just keeping the smoke in your mouth).