what are the benifits of medicinal marijuana?

i am doing a persuasive essay on legalizing medicinal marijuana in all states, under certain conditions.
my three main reasons why it should be legal are because it is benificial for:
sleep disorders.
eating disorders.
and anxiety.
i need 2 or 3 examples of how marijuana helps each disorder. any information will help a lot!! or if you have another reason whyy it should be legalized along with a few examples or reasons, please let me know :p
Feels good man.
check out NORML.org
they have links to all sorts of news articles and studies along with current laws
For sleep disorders: It definitely makes you tired. So it could help insomniacs.
For eating disorders: It could help anorexics get the munchies and finally eat!
For anxiety, it could work both ways. It could calm you down, but it could make you very paranoid too. (Not good!)
It’s really meant for cancer patients needing chemotherapy. It doesn’t make them high, but it takes away the nausea. I can’t understand why any chemo patient wouldn’t be using MM.
The second main reason is for people with glaucoma. That’s an eye disease, and it really helps a lot for the pain and/or difficulty seeing. =)
i dont know alot but ill try my best
sleep disorder: “When I smoke Indicas, I feel like sitting on the couch and nodding off.” if you smoke sativa then it makes you happy and energetic but if you smoke indica then it knocks you out.It has something to do with CBN and CBD, two of the cannabinoids present in the weed. Cannabis Sativa and Sativa-heavy hybrids have much lower levels of these substances.
eating disorder:The study suggests endocannabinoids are part of the brain’s complex system for controlling when and how much we eat. These chemicals are similar to the active ingredient in marijuana but don’t make people high. To find out how endocannabinoids work, scientists genetically engineered some mice so receptors in their brain couldn’t respond to the chemicals. This caused mice to eat less than normal.
anxiety: The physical experience of smoking marijuana for people can cause a temporary reduction in anxiety and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
another reason is that it helps cancers like brain tumors is the most common
Then READ!
Libraries and studies at mpp.org and safeaccessnow.org
Marijuana is not medically recommended for sleep disorders. People will say they disagree. Maybe some studies will provide your examples. The conditions you have selected are not supported currently by State law. Anxiety is not on existing State forms.