What are some ways to get high other than marijuana?
My parents test me for marijuana because they have caught me before. What are some other ways to get high? I know most things that kids do like spice (done before) cough syrup and i hear nutmeg is pretty shitty. (please don’t tell me not to it is not what i am looking for)
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enjoying life.
Other than weed there isn’t any safe ways to get high. Spice is the only thing that I know of, but it has chemicals in it so its not good to smoke on a regular basis. Don’t use cough syrup because its the easiest to kill yourself with since you have to overdose to get high. And shrooms and acid can stay in your system and screw with you mentally when you get older. Ecstasy can cause problems like over heating and lock jaw. Taking pills has a lot of health problems since there are so many different types of pills, so you should only take them if they are prescribed to you. And cocaine, heroin, and meth are high addictive so you should just avoid those unless you want rehab. So it seems that Spice is you best option other than weed. There also not getting high in the first place.
How do they test you? I would recomend being more sneaky about it. Pot is the safest and healthiest way to get high, and I can’t say from experience but I doubt being high on spice or cough syrup is even one tenth as enjoyable as being high on weed.
Marijuana is the best, safest way to get high and unfortunately the easiest to test for. I’d stay away from anything harder than it like cocaine, meth, heroin, pills, etc. Household chemicals will only hurt or kill you. I wouldn’t use psychedelics unless you are mostly developed psychologically and mentally, ie if you’re a young teenager you probably shouldn’t do it. I would say 17-18, but even then you must make sure you have a sound mind and have some friends you trust to trip with. I knew some guys who ran cross country and they would take shrooms frequently because they were tested for marijuana. It’s generally a lot of fun and a good experience, but you can’t do it as often as you may smoke weed because it is extremely exhausting and overuse can lead to psychological problems. Responsible, infrequent use by individuals with no predisposition to mental health issues is fine for LSD, mescalin, and mushrooms. I can’t really recommend it, as each person’s experience with it is totally different, just do your research and read up on it so you understand what’s going on.
Don’t smoke spice. Spice is lame. You’re best route though is to try and convince your parents that marijuana is safer than alcohol and altogether not even very bad for you. They should accept that marijuana is not the evil, insanity-inducing drug they were taught about. It is less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol. If the legality is their only concern, you should respect their rules about marijuana on their property but you should stress that you are capable of making the decision to smoke or not and they shouldn’t have to test you. Maybe do better in school or do something extracurricular so that you can show marijuana really doesn’t affect how you live. They probably just don’t want you to turn into a lazy piece of shit.
Pills. Not antibiotic pills but prescripted pills.
-certain prescripted pills you cant chew so be sure to read the lables. but you can snort or just swallow em….. dont take20 of them of you could go in a colma , overdose, or die.
My friends take 2-5 && they drink alonqq with it so they be super wasted xD
Sharooms.-You cant die or anythinqq from thinqq, but once you take em you’ll think ur gone Lol them thinqqz have MESSED UP !. (: