Weed/Marijuana on Craigslist?

My friend is stupid and he has been obsessed with being a dealer lately. He told me to join him to get as much pot as we both can so we can start dealing and make profit which I don’t want to do. I barely even smoke pot..Anyways, he saw a listing on craigslist about a dude selling like an ounce (?) of marijuana and he was interested. I dont want him arrested or anything and his parents are really close with him. But he wouldnt listen anyways.
Is it possible that police can be “sellers” and post marijuana listings on craigslist and set people up? Honestly my friend doesnt think the police would waste their time and I honestly dont think too. Im not going to go along with his plan but I am a little worried.
Is it possible that police set up fake listings on craigslist listing marijuana then set people up and arrest them when the seller/buyer meets up?
If it is possible, why would they waste their time like that?
It’s very possible that it’s a setup. Don’t get involved…
I work at the jail so i know inmates who were found selling stolen property on Craiglist. This would indicate that the Police do hang out there looking for crime. They set up guys trying to hook up with minors I know. In our city there is a dept. totally dedicated to computer/internet crime.
They are not wasting their time. it would appear they make many arrests from web sites.etc.
Either way you stated the whole point in the first four words — your friend is stupid. If he wants to be stupid and do this there isn’t much you can do to stop him.
haha dude thats a total setup. no dealer is going to post adds on the internet thats just dumb. and even if hes real and is just really stupid hes probably being monitored by the police. its dumb to deal. really dumb because hes probably going to sell to just friends and those friends will talk when they get caught. people rat