Weed: The Movie (Part I)

The first part of a three-part movie about fake Weed and ways to smoke it. REMINDER: The kids are 10-12 years old, they don’t really know much about weed. (Additional tag words: norml normal smoking smoke devil weed weeds dope lower euro ontario canada canadian unconstitutional antidrug anti drug anti-drug ondcp ondcp drug czar m “m” john walters dea dea Judge Howard Borenstein Brian McAllister conspiracy decriminalize decriminalization decrim cheba hut wiet joint legalize legalise education ed medicinal medical weed herb sensible marijuana ganja bhang bong bhong lasi lassi cannabis sativa indica ruderalis joint amsterdam coffeeshop coffee shop crawl legalisation legalization of testimonies testimonials scoring score dope fiend chronic hemp victory reefer propaganda madness hard soft drug netherlands europe denver sensible safer choice saferchoice morocco marihuana law skunk dutch hash den cafe office national drugs drug control policy norml normal HT parties bust busted legalize it princeofpot prince of pot law reform entertainment of 420 4/20 4:20 HIGH TIMES hightimes kind bud oaksterdam high times prague seattle oakland santa cruz west la la lala dispensary outlet pharmacy la mota consumer maria hierba yerba cannabis cup sativa porro fuamao anti-marijuana anti bill marijuana antimarijuana mariguana hachis peta petardo canuto fly fumar risa lirio mais caña pro anti drug addict addiction abuse ninth article prohibition antiprohibition bush gore nixon antidrug anti-drug …
why would you even do this? its so easy to get bud. nobodys laughing. no reason to post this
@SeniorTurdman Thanks for the comment.
@rootvalue HAHAHAHAHA!
I am happy to help people! you take care too!
@vyprcejmiokacka Thanks for your comment! Take care.
no offence but… well. eh… how to say this…. U R COMPLETE FAGS.
have a nice day
@vyprcejmiokacka Are you sure? I was hungover the next day.
@tristin136 Oh my god… you’re right! Holy shit, we weren’t high after all! Thank you so much.
thats not even weed
nah you guys are still fags
happy now?
nah sorry you guys are still huge fags…happy now?
@thomaswack I’m really sorry about the incident… I knew it scarred you horribly, but I didn’t know it would affect your English so much so that you can’t form a sentence.
But here: if I tell you I’m a bad person for having fun and that I’m the source of all your problems, will that shut you the fuck up?
what a fags…
wow these kids need to be slapped
Eh , those are maple leaves dude.
@roro879 Well then, I’m glad you came to this video!
Who would have guessed your search for ‘fags’ would satisfy you so greatly! Hopefully your following homosexual porn searches give you results that you can please yourself to, instead of trolling and demonstrating your hedonistic, elementary-school mindset. You’re fucking awesome.
Have a great day, and thanks again for being such an altruistic person! You really made me smile when you complimented my childhood glee.
@chappybassenfool Thank you for your incredibly wise comment. I can’t fathom how long you premeditated the contents of your incredible review, but you are probably just spot on! I’m just guessing because you seem like an extremely beneficial member to society due to your lack of laziness, offensiveness and nihilism in your online communication. Your grammar is flawless, making periods look SOOOO 2009, and your composure is that of a university professor. Bravo, you big boy!
this movie is so fucking retarted
yup,fags 4 sure
naw, not art. i agree with Crewstube, ur fags. kids should not be giving such technology and be able to make stupid videos like this. sorry kids it sucked and if one of your other friends could not have told you it sucked then FFFUUUCCCKKK!!!!! but honestly bad videos waste lives remember kids only you can prevant shitty videos. all it takes is a little thinking come on kids your not that stupid, well i guess some times you have to learn the hard way.
@bokeer1123 I see you point of view. But we, the 10 year olds, were having FUN, not trying to create a representation (or misrepresentation) of the drug or its users. If anything, we were only acting on what WE had been shown was a representation, which is clearly false and exaggerated, as I’m sure you know.
Thanks for being mature about the subject, man. Don’t feel like I’m attacking stoners, because I’ve got my own background.
Take care.
My comment has nothing to do with hate. I’m an avid weed smoker. It’s a great medicine. But people like you get on here and completely make it out to be something it ain’t. It’s great to have an imagination but I think your parents would be a lil prouder of you if you stick to things your imagination can wrap around like Pokemon of Hannah Montana. five year still watch that right?
@peacelovealysser Thanks for watching, Alysser. I should have known not to exhibit my rights by posting a video of myself having fun at a young age.
I should DEFINITELY expect the majority of viewers to insult me for having fun with my friends and express a sarcastic comedic style regarding a popular drug. How stupid of me to think that if I didn’t insult others, they wouldn’t insult me. Of course they will! To feel better about themselves!
Thank you for watching and your helpful advice.
@TheDafreak13 Thanks for watching. I didn’t know having fun and minding our own business would offend someone so much, almost a decade later. I’m sorry you feel the need to insult us, because it represents a true hate for something inside yourself.
There is something inside your persona that is the root of this hate for things beyond yourself. Maybe lack of self-approval, maybe lack of others’ approval; I don’t know. But hate like yours doesn’t appear from thin air.
Get well soon, man. :