weed plants at 3-4 weeks old (please comment)

2 female marijuana plants
2 female marijuana plants
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
“looks nice can some one take a look at my vid and tell me what u think its my first”
check out my plants
bongotongorilongiifilluiposil budsss!!!
check my video of my 2 week old plant.
did u overwater your leaves are drooping down.
R u selling them
NO way thats 3 weeks old bro lol unless u got crazy chemicals u added 2 it ..
nice plants bro the only thing it looked like i saw was maybe a tad over watered just cause the one on the left was drooping a bit. other than that bad ass man
nice plants.how much did you yeld?and pls reply..What song is this???
Thier wilty too much water and nutes let the small plants nearly pull all the nutrients out the soil before feeding and check ph levels in the water u give ur plants thattl make or break you !
Check my plants out please I need tips!!!
good looks bro but they bout 5 feet tall now an just starting to bud an i have a new set up with the light like 3 feet higher than it was
Too late now but the light is too close I would say and it’s frazzling the leaves. I can’t see any white but if it’s like white dots, you have spider mites so you need to some killer spray for mites. But I can’t see the white to say for sure.
i have cheap little grow lights from homedepot but once my plants get to big i put them outside
what lights u running?
aquarium lights or grow lights?
There ready to bud as there the leaves are turning yellow so they wont grow much more…
lift the light up more, its too close. y want the leaves to raise toward the light
help me help me
i got 4 bubbleponic systems that have 2 clones in each 1 of them have 4 clones in it
next time hydro setup….not dirt ….
if i were u i would put them outside,the leaves you can trim and get the brown dead stuff off,the white im not sure maybe a fungus or somtheing but make sure not to over water them or under water them,and mist the leaves every once awhile
my bottom leaves are die n and 1 of my top leaves is a little whiite . wat im i doing wrong , this iis my first grow, i build a little box with foil on the inside so the sun can shine off it onto the plant , im growing them inside and im 15 what can i do to fix it and make it stronger and have a better plant , there bout the same size as yours but with less leaves