weed and an upper respiratory infection PT.2!!!?

I ASKED this earlier but im not sure how to work this answers thing. i’m new to it. i just asked again with more at the bottom.
“So I had a crazy few days involving pot, menthol cigarettes, and all types of booze. I don’t smoke cigarettes on a regular basis (especially not menthol!), but i do smoke weed every day if possible. A day or so after all of this i felt pretty shitty with a sore throat, bad cough, and slight fever. Turns out it was an upper respiratory infection. I have had asthma all my life, but it has not been a problem since elementary school (im in my twenties now and don’t even have an inhaler anymore). im sure it is related to the infection, but what i really want to know is what brought the infection about? Im giving up tobacco, but i have been smoking weed pretty regularly for at least 6 months and it hasn’t seemed to do anything. i really don’t want to quit smoking weed, and i was wondering if it could bring about another infection just by itself, or if the cigarettes were the big problem? Please only legitimate replies, not just opinions from stoners and stiffs. thanks!”
TO CLARIFY, my asthma was only a problem when i was ALOT younger and out of shape(even then it was very acute), i am pretty active and healthy, and i have quit tobacco. i am aware of all the alternatives to smoking weed like eating and vaporizing(i have a vaporizer actually) and i do them all too, but i guess i am just old school and smoke tricks and sitting around smoking with friends is what i like the most about weed. I guess what i am really trying to ask is did the infection come from one or two crazy days or was it cumulative? Also should i be okay to smoke ONLY weed regularly (with a bit more awareness and no more ridiculously excessive days) from now on once the infection is gone or have my lungs hit a point where i should quit altogether? Sorry to be so wordy, but i am just looking for a clear answer and its hard to get one on the internet with SOOO MANY close-minded and uneducated anti-marijuana advocates and mindless stoners blogging and commenting.
You should use sumycin, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://nurse4.notlong.com/0AA4m9S
An upper respiratory infection is caused by a virus, not by irritants. Smoking can make asthma and lung health worse. You may have been run down, which made you more susceptable to infection.