water the marijuana plants

I receive a lot of questions how to water the plants. Whit this video I like to show how. For me is the perfect system and if you like full automatic programmable.
I receive a lot of questions how to water the plants. Whit this video I like to show how. For me is the perfect system and if you like full automatic programmable.
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
hey dude can i ask u questions about my plant? thanks >_<
Great job
u wamna know wuts funnny AHHH is sperted on ur mum
Why do people with half of brain come watch a great grow and have something stupid to say? oh let me answer my own question ” they can’t even grow a CHIA PET” lmfao. another great video for youtube be lucky you chumps get to see a beautiful Grow…. GREAT VID…..
Okay, I water the floor, lol
what the fuck does this video have to do with watering plants? Looks like you’re just showing off your grow room, faggot.
What is this song, remember it from GTA4 but never caught the name.
Plz go, and I block you from my channel
Sorry man… But I FUCKED YOUR MOM!!
@Indutrial321 Fuck your mother worthless prick nobody likes you because you’re ignorant. Go back to smoking your meth with your sister, little shit.
Holy illegal grow operations batman!
I block you too…
Hey you! know something? i fucked your mom too!! lol
I Block you from my channel
guess what?
i fucked your mom!!
het how many times a day you water the plants
@Indutrial321: fuck u and ur life , pot is a plant given from god u dickhead , it has such medicinal values bastard
N.A.S.A. would be proud of that setup : ) great job !! : )
nair – I would guess it is pond liner
most kind of you to reply. TY!
What kind of white material is that on the roll that you used to seal the res., thanks
MAPITO look on w w w . eugrowshop . eu / uk / growing-media / mapito / mapito – 80ltr – bag /
without space
Look for the video – Limbo marijuana grow room and _ Building a grow room for mother plants and you will see.
The water temperature aquarium heating and keep it on 21*C / 70*F
how do you seal the reservoir and the grow area, and keep it from leaking
how do you regulate the water temperature, thanks
damn I cant find the video which states the name of the medium you use. Is it rockwool cubes or some new cube material? thanks.