WalMartization of Weed

Marijuana advocates and experts are claiming that California Proposition 19 could bring in one billion dollars in taxes if the people vote to make recreational use legal. Proposition 19 has a good chance of passing now more than ever due in part to the economy. But this has mom and pop growers fearing if legalized, industrial scale gardens would put them out of business. Alyona talks to Allen St. Pierre the Executive Director at The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws to find out if this will be the next corporate playground in America.
Just fail to understand how private growing could be jeopardized by legalization. If you can cultivate 6 plants for yourself, legally, that should be enough to carry you through till next harvest. Where ever large sums of money are at stake, you can bet there is a certain group of folks who will be taking advantage financially where ever they can… I thought that was BUSINESS, see it every day..Geez…
@BrianPurge I know this because I was once a newbie. So just the fact that I’m using myself as an example to YOU is pathetic. You should already know how it feels the first time. I’m sure you knew what it was like to wipe your ass the first time don’t you or did you have mommy and daddy wipe it for you?
@Vaultzero Lol, testy testy, you could have just said………. “Thank you”
@PleaseCallmeDan Ok, I spelled cannabis wrong. You didn’t have to google it to prove your point. Lol I normally spell out marijuana but seeing how marijuana isn’t at all what we’re talking about I spelled cannabis. Get off my ass. Lol
@Vaultzero I find humor when people are critical of others personal references to things, and in doing so prove how under educated they are
Cannabis (Cán-na-bis) is a genus of flowering plants that includes three putative species, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis
I hate when people call cannibus pot. It makes it sound so horrible.
snoop oog
@MikeM00se I know, right. You know we smoke that Kush… yeah.
“The Double O G?” did she mean the dee-oh-doubo-gee?
Legalise weed!? A lot of people will get seriously hurt! lol sorry I meant seriously high.
legalize marijuana but make something like coffee or tobacco illegal so the the farmers and drug dealers and private prisons can still make a profit
We don’t, or at least I don’t, effing care about weed being “walmartized” or having access to it via a gas station or whatever. All I want is the right to GROW IT AND SMOKE IT LEGALLLLLLLLLY and not have that fear of being busted by cops like I’m SOME SORT OF SERIAL KILLER! FUCK!
P.S – vote YES in the state of Arizona as well as every other state in the US!
its pronounced kush so go ahead and take more rights
fuck the system. suddenly they are going to make profit from weed, that will increase all crack and heroin on the streets instead. realy smart fucking parasites in the goverment. look at mexico, thats where your going.
Marijuana tour? I’d go to some of those XD
Kush is spelt with a “K” because it comes from the Kush Mountains in Afghanistan..
@killzvideos ROFLMFAO
hahahaha they spelt kush wrong.
@66jesko First, you can buy a grow tent or build one. Then you make sure the frame is strong enough. Two main culprits relating to the grow that will give you away. Smell and sound. Carbon filters attached to high velocity fans will neutralize odor. Then make sure the sound isn’t too obvious and loud. It costs a lot for quality grow components but good weed is even more expensive over the long haul. Believe me, people are doing it under yours and my nose as we speak.
@darktard whats not true? Oh you know this huh? where are you from again?
2 yrs from now all of the U.S should be able to vote for prop19
not only cali ,its grown their but most of its consumed everywhere else
11-2012 the next time around to vote , that yr has a better sound to it
till then get ur tax free weed
i lol’d so fucking hard at “Cush”