Wal-Mart Pharmacy Technician?

Wal-Mart Pharmacy Technician?

I got called into Wal-Mart in Huntsville, AL for a job interview. I did the job interview then they sat me out front and said they’ll be back going to discuss or something I guess. One lady came out said she is doing my background check and references then I get called back there. They show me what job they are offering me and its as a part time pharmacy technician (don’t have any experience in pharmacy – and I never told them I did). I accept the offer on the computer and the sheet I had to sign. Then she gives me a sheet that says about the background check, I then click yes I have been charged with a misdemeanor and then it asked for details I put “possession of marijuana”. Then I give it to the lady and she gives me the directions and the sheet I have to give to go get my drug test, which I don’t do anything I will pass it. She says I have 24 hrs to take it, told her I’d have to take it in morning seeing as my wife has to go to work right when I get home and I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter that I have to watch. She said thats fine just have to 2PM tomorrow to take it and its all electronic so once it I take it they send information to her and she’ll call me with details, she hadn’t looked at my sheet yet that said misdemeanor I put down.

Anyways, what I’m getting at is me have a misdemeanor marijuana charge going to make them take their job offer back for the pharmacy tech? It looks like I’m pretty much hired, but I don’t know how they usually do this.

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