Vote YES on Proposition 19, November 2 2010, to Legalize Marijuana in California!

California Proposition 19 (2010) http All California citizens, please make sure to vote YES on Proposition 19, also known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010… Which will be on the November 2, 2010 California statewide ballot. It legalizes various marijuana-related activities, allows local governments to regulate these activities, permits local governments to impose and collect marijuana-related fees and taxes, and authorizes various criminal and civil penalties. In March 2010 it qualified to be on the November statewide ballot. Yes on 19 is the official advocacy group for the initiative. As of September 2010, even if the proposition is passed, the sale of marijuana will remain illegal under federal law via the Controlled Substances Act. According to the State of California analysis, the bill will have the following effects: Legalization of personal marijuana-related activities for persons age 21 and older: * May possess up to 1 ounce (28 g) of marijuana for personal consumption. * May use marijuana in a non-public place such as a residence or a public establishment licensed for on site marijuana consumption. * May grow marijuana at a private residence in a space of up to 25 square feet (2.3 m2) for personal use. Local government may… *Authorize the retail sale of up to 1 ounce of marijuana per transaction, and regulate the hours and location of the business. * Authorize larger amounts of marijuana for personal …
Thumbs up if this vid gives u a boner
no on prop 19!
the guy at 1:22 is MY MOTHERFUCKING HERO! he is going to heaven i fucking swear. he stood up to the bullshit government!
what a lie from the pit of hell….marijana makes you docile just like the government wants you to be so he can control you. This country is going down…and people are blinded by the truth because of their own immorality
@A4moondoggy I heard, fucking, that! Actually…lol..come to think of it, I am old and sick, and, practically, dying…yet, I managed to get up and vote…cuz I wanted to see some real freedom in my state, in my own lifetime. The rest of you idiots, here…that’s all I can say, enjoy your own, freaking, self supplied chains!
Fuck everyone…fuck all the people downtown, here, in San Francisco, screaming about The Giants. The Giants are obviously the only actual men, here, in California! All your jacked up, non-voters, and, hate filled fascists…I hope you choke on your spew of lies…enjoy your mutherfing chains, idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very disappointing. will all you old people DIE already
19 Legalize Marijuana in CA, Regulate and Tax
Choice Votes %
Yes 839,457 44.4%
No 1,051,953 55.6%
12% of precincts reporting; Updated 11/02 8:49PM
lol formuler.
LOL! I love some green but lol don’t smoke a pound before you do a video. lol!
Whoever made this video had to be baked.
Legalize pot!
no crime to crimes. dur yes on 19
@dragonlover9000 I’m sorry I don’t smoke it. It’s funny because I really don’t like cigarette smoke and probably would hate smelling pot all the time, but still I’m totally for allowing people to smoke their brains out!!! Thanks for the invite anyways
@RuinSonic i wish more people were like u staying positive lol, WHEN it passes, pot party at my house! your invited! lol
Creator of Gmail Donates $100K to Prop. 19 to help legalize marijuana. -October 29, 2010
@Yes0n19 George Soros is the biggest share holder for a biotech corp called Monsanto. Monsanto’s Business is genetically modifying plants. Prop 19 is about a plant…It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out why Monsanto is very Interested and invested in prop 19.
Just Like Monsanto has done to corn and soy THEY PATENT A GENE SEQUENCE not a single gene not a single plant. Monsanto has a cali patent for a GENE SEQUENCE that exists in 99.9% of ALL marijuana. Think about That.
YOU are UNINFORMED! Your comments are a perfect example of how uninformed people are about monsanto (they are funding 19). Just Like Monsanto has done to corn and soy THEY PATENT A GENE SEQUENCE not a single gene not a single plant. Monsanto has a patent for a GENE SEQUENCE that exists in 99.9% of ALL marijuana. This is how Monsanto “owns” 95% of all corn and soy bic they patented a GENE SEQUENCE that exists in 95% of all corn and soy.
Learn for yourself
108% voter turnout in Cali….that’s not even possible, but on that day, it will happen
i hope theres a “hell yes” option for prop 19 on the ballot.
@Meevinman There’s going to be a good turnout for pot users that’s for sure!
I was once told by an former Dean that the difference between his generation and my generations, is his generation legalized their drug of choice (alcohol), while ours didn’t (cannabis)!
haha thumbs up for saying “formuler” instead of formula
im very curious if this passes
Billionaire businessman and philanthropist George Soros has contributed $1 million to the California ballot measure that would legalize marijuana for recreational use. -CapitalAlert October 26, 2010