Vote Yes for Legalization California

The world, in its infinite mystery, its undeniable beauty, its ultimately flawed perfection, has been enhanced throughout the years, albeit illegally, through the consumption of marijuana and marijuana products. The statement of illegality, as condemning as it may sound, is unjust in many ways. It is not my obligation to inform of you of these wrong-doings, it is yours if you are concerned. If you wish to inform yourself of cannabis and marijuana, I highly suggest watching “The Union”, a info-movie depicting how marijuana has been wrongly portrayed by the media and officials abroad. Otherwise, enjoy this commercial of what I did on 4-20, stay high people!
Free the Tree!
@xJtotheOtotheNx hahaha!! woah there buddy! where are you coming with these comebacks? damn, you got me. im just a retarded 5 year old that has add! OH BOY! your really good at this stuff! you can talk shit over the internet! your mom must be proud =]
@jonsutubechannel You can’t make a comback, that’s why you didn’t say shit, other than call me stupid, congratulations, you’ve proven to the world you have a word capacity of Retarded 5 year old ADD victim.
@xJtotheOtotheNx oh ho! woah! you got me there! good come back, how am i ever gonna recover from that wonderful comeback? damn i just got owned. haha wow. weed must have made you stupid!
@jonsutubechannel and stick em straight up your candyass! You just got owned get the fuck out my channel..
@jonsutubechannel Ok dude, I’d like to point out this is my channel and as such seeing as this is my video, me coming back to it doesn’t make it a contradiction, but an only feasible option. But you on the other hand do not own my channel and as such, you coming back to it makes it seem as though you have an insecurity that stems from your blatant homoesexuality, so if you think I have a problem I’d like you to take your hands that are typing all these bullshit words, dust em off, lube em up
@xJtotheOtotheNx your contradicting your own statement, because your saying a loser for coming back and commenting. When on the other hand, your doing the same. I think they should make the fine in the thousands! If you get caught, you don’t go to jail but you get a huge ass fine. Now your saying that im a faggot, but then again you want me to go fuck myself. “SIGH” wow. you got bigger issues bro.
@jonsutubechannel And I’m not the one continually coming back to the video you supposedly think is “stupid shit”, and I actually on the other hand think it is quite the opposite of what you said, Legalization is the next big step to helping my state, California, solve its budget problem and finally fixing a problem which has plagued this country for so long, stupidity in the fact that people supposedly think marijuana is a bad thing. So what I’m trying to say is, go fuck yourself faggot.
@xJtotheOtotheNx Im not the one making a stupid video about stupid shit, seems as thought the loser is you, seeing as you have nothing better to do.
@jonsutubechannel Losers? Your the one coming on my channel posting negative comments on a video you don’t like, seems as though the loser is you, seeing as you have nothing better to do.
wow. What losers!
If this vote gets passed, i’m soooo moving to california when I’m turning 21!
Nicely done man. Cheers!
lol great vid very funny.LEGALIZE
freedom food!
obviously imma vote yes! haha