Vote “NO” on Prop 19: “Tax and Control” is not legalization – Part 1

Dennis Peron, father of medical cannabis in the United States, is interviewed by Keith “Casey” Kimber on “The Regulate Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010.” He explains how this act restricts medical marijuana rather than legalize marijuana, and why he is voting “NO” on this initiative in November. here is an article explaining the alternative bill CCHHI which seeks to be put on the ballot in 2012. (disclaimer: the opinions expressed in this video reflect only those of the individuals in this video)
This kid has a big trap too. Let the old guy explain. He’s the expert kid. You are a typical young fuck who thinks you know everything. You don’t have to reiterate everything this “Dennis” character says for one, even though he seems a little burned out. We can understand him just fine. Besides all of these arguments are stupid and in the great scheme in this country it will all come to an end except for the really sick people who it does benefit.
All of you dope head freaks are stupid. Medical marijuana is not a new thing. They’ve been using it for a long time. All you dick wads out there trying to convince everyone in America that you need a joint to cure your headaches are frikin communist hippy morons looking to get away with pushing the marijuana legal envelope so you can smoke your dope and sell your dope and get away with crime, basically. To alot more of the status quo, you look like a bunch of idiots.
soooooo dumb! fuk u guys!
Cannabis is a 100% all natural non toxic medicinal plant SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO INHIBIT CANCER CELL GROWTH. annual deaths from tobacco: 400,000 deaths from cannabis since human existence: 0
you guys are awful i bet you have no idea about cannabis or what it probably think its a pill or some shit. you know its less addictive and less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. dumb asses
Your a moron with a very ill intelligence for anything other then some paper you printed off the internet. The legalization of marijauna would help out the economy by billions of dollars, save kids lives so drug dealers dont sell them laced product, show the people that we can take a stand against things we don’t support, how many lifes are lost smoking marijuana from the drug itself? How many from the drug dealers????? Stop trying to act like some harvard school wanna be punk on a youtube video
You have to pay (taxes) to make it legal, that will never change. If legalized price will decrease. Even with the tax it will still be cheaper. Besides with prop 19 you could just grow your own. I don’t have a medical marajuana system in my state. If 19 passed it might at least start debates in other states.
ye yes yes vote yess!!!!!!!
wana have a shitty anomy when we can get more monny like back then we need it let thare be weed hemp is used for clotheing fuel braslets socks pants seats yeah
no wonder its illegal, people who dont care for people dying, people going to jail for a plant, people who care only for themselves are getting rich
MOST of the folks who advise you to vote NO are thinking about their wallets. You can tell where their heart is by the ‘arguements’ they use to support a ‘NO” vote.
Now here we are in March 2011, prop 19 was defeated and these dispensory owner’s are paying for their greed. Prices here in Sacramento have dropped about 40 % due to the large amount of xtra meds grown.
So the rich folks are holding lbs and taking 800-1200 per.
The really Good result = cheap meds for patients
lmfao xD what a loser ;D
fuck you!!!!!!! YES ON PROP 19
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isn’t that guy at the right the one who wrote the medical marijuana prop?
their fking right people. You love weed dont you?! Why would you put the weed in the hands of thebastards who made it illigal. I mean cmon, weed makes you smarter, just smoke and take a step back to see the bigger picture.
@INorCaLzFinesT yea the despenceries have turned into the machine that is the govenment bc they are greedy
Is that John McCain?
way to go guys… we were 4% away from legalizing marijuana in the state of California, it said it in the initiative itself that it WOULD NOT effect proposition 215 (medical marijuana).
Do you have any idea where we would be right now if prop 19 passed? thanks, you all really messed up our only chance to legalize marijuana until 2012.
awesome video
@DntlB stereotype much?
“Tax and control” is fascism…
What are you guys talking about? Make marijuana legal and lets get on with it. There is no reason it can’t be done. Look at amsterdam. Horrible excuses buddies!!