
how to make a vaporizer with a lightbulb. The song is called ring the alarm and it’s by stick figure. Or maybe Tenor Saw. I’m not really sure. Refer to the video responses. This was NOT made for smoking meth. (personally i think the shit is gross, and refuse to even look at it. but do whatever you wanna do with your life behind closed doors i guess.) UPDATE: I found this tutorial browsing instructables and the beginning gives what seems to be a pretty good method for getting all the junk out of the lightbulb.
Props to WayTooMany for using a Stick Figure track way back in 2006. I’ve gotten some other legit, underated music from these vids.
@julsmul males r junk. make sure u check under the leaf stem that connects to the main stem.. male plants have ‘balls’ almost. google it so u kno wat to look for…
make sure u get rid of the male plants. DO NOT keep them ANYWHERE near the females or else they will hav sax and u will get less thc and much more seeds..
much much muuch less thc
Is it true if too much heat is applied to it the glass can shatter? I hope you can warn your viewers before they turn blind.
im down to try it… but it looks terribly unhealthy, thoughts?
@ordermarijuana you wanna share some of those websites with the general public??
@technoman43 hows your foot now?
light bulbs are for fuckin tweakers.
can you*
cause you use that for meth?
@shamoo788 Odds are, you’ve never even had a cigarette, shut up and try thinking of something intelligent to say if your going to give feedback.
worked for me : )
many thx
This powder, is called kaolin and is pretty safe. You should still be careful and keep it away from your mouth and anything you might eat near.
errr ….crack pipe?
use a completely cleaglass bulb
does it smell at all? i need to be able to do it in my room
Why didnt you just buy a lightbulb without the white coating? *facepalm*
I bet this guy is the angry video game nerd with mike matei smoking the pot xD
wow bro ur video needs to slow the fuck down
Awesome video helped me a lot thanks
you just put a nug in the bulb? and do you take it in while you light it, or wait? and do you hold your finger over the carb like a bowl?
sick vid!!
wow why not just buy a pookey
i got the same kind of salt guys : )
@iliketopetdolphins yeah i just call em chokes. i had older smokers teach me the ropes… so the phrases i learned are probably what they used to say yaknow?
@tsunami2011 is a choke a carb? if it is like the same size as the straw? will it make the vape stay in?