Using Meditation to Quit Marijuana – Does it Work?

Using Meditation to Quit Marijuana – Does it Work?

Marijuana addiction is becoming more and more common as availability and ease of access to this “soft” drug increases. Many people cling to the high they get from pot and continually smoke to keep that high going as often as they can meanwhile they sink further and further into addiction until it does not become an enjoyable experience but an absolute need. Unlike cigarettes and other drugs however marijuana addiction is not a physical or chemical addiction but a psychological one which is where using meditation to quit marijuana can help people overcome this problem. Pot, weed, cannabis, hash or whatever your name for it, marijuana can take a hold of ones life much like an alcohol or gambling addiction in that there is no cravings for chemicals like nicotine in cigarettes but there is a craving for the high you get from the action. Gamblers are addicted to the high of winning so much they will risk everything they have to get that high once more and the same goes for any psychological addiction. It is a dependence on that high they experienced the first times but it becomes dangerous when it gets out of hand leading to problems with health, money and social aspects of their lives. This means there are no patches or chewing gum that can help you overcome cravings for marijuana; the cravings are simply a want so bad it feels like a need. This means everyone has a different way of coping with psychological addictions to make themselves realize they do not need to smoke pot and can have the willpower to quit. Meditation is one way that people have used to quit successfully because of its calming and introspective effects. The benefits of meditation are twofold. Firstly it gives you another activity to take the place of smoking pot which enables you to spend your time on something healthier for you and replaces that time block in your life you once filled with an addiction. Secondly while meditating you can free your mind and body from the daily pains and bothers of life and can separate yourself from your anxieties cutting off that psychological craving that may be bugging you. Some find after meditation it does come back but repeated meditation eventually alleviates such things. People also find a certain “high” from meditation that is natural and healthy that they can use as a substitute for pot as well which is beneficial to all parts of their life. Some claim that meditation is just a replacement addiction or action and does not solve the root cause of why someone became addicted to marijuana in the first place. Many take up such an addiction to get away from some pain in their lives and feel pot gives them an escape. I also believe this is true but you cannot solve these problems while you have an addiction but having the will to look at your life and find what it is that has driven you to such measures is very important and using meditation can be much easier. From a lack of direction in ones life to physical assault at home to high stress jobs psychological drug addition has many causes that need to be addressed. So it is my firm belief that using meditation to quit marijuana does work and can only be a good thing for those that try and may lead you to a better state of being in a spiritual sense and a more stable life in a very realistic sense.

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Are you sick of wasting your life in a cloud or marijuana smoke?

Do you want to kick your pot addiction successfully?

If so click here to find out the best way to leave pot addiction behind!

Also, if you are interested in meditation techniques click here for more information and meditation audio guides.

Article originally posted at EzineArticles:—Does-It-Work?&id=932478

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