US Attorney General Eric Holder: Ending Medical Marijuana Raids now US Policy

Speaking at a press conference on Feb 25 with DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart, and reiterating a position made by the White House following DEA raids in California on February 4, US Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters that ending federal raids on medical marijuana dispensaries “is now American policy.” The Attorney General’s comments are the latest sign of a sea change in federal policy that prohibits the use of medical cannabis in the thirteen states that have enacted such laws.
fuckin a. This is really getting rediculous tho. Power needs to be given back to the states and at the very least, Marijuana should be decriminalized. The only thing that hurts guys like me is drug testing for jobs. Ive never failed one, but thats because I had to quit. I only want enough marijuana for me. I have no plans to sell or grow it for anyone but myself. and here were talking abou a legal adult over 21 spending his money and smoking his marijuana in his house on his own time.
that’s refreshing
I hope this is just the beginning and not just a bone thrown there for us to chew on for a while
All lies!! He did not address the specific question. Obama is as two faced as anyone in D.C.. The raids will continue, the campaign trail promises will be broken, and the miliions living in fear of their choice to smoke will still be criminals when Obama’s term is over. The fact that 300 videos sprang up with exuberant messages like “no more raids in u.s.” only means people hear, see, and conclude what they want to believe.
God Bless You Mr. Eric Holder and your family. I know that you have been appointed during a very difficult time. The Justice Department was tarnished thanks to Gonzales. I know the road will be long and hard. We wish you well! God Speed!
i would gladly make the trade, they can take our guns only if they give us marijuana.
I’m in the U.K. suffering from MS. I cried when I saw this. The US is streaks ahead of us but change is on the way. Thank you!
Good. Leave these clubs alone.
Shame that same guy wants to take our guns away.
oh well, baby steps towards freedom.
The day of national legalization is soon upon us.
*Lights up*
Obama is the MFING MAN!!!
I’m here from the Government, and I’m here to help.
Don’t count chickens before they are hatched. Don’t trust any words out of government politicians mouths. When you see it, then believe it.
Hell yes get on digg
Because this is so well dug (digg’d) We all need to step it up in the Digg’n and make the public aware of this issue that’s been swept under the rug for so long. Lets fix our economy and get happy in one fell swoop! I’ll be holding Obama and his people to this… JUST IN CASE YOUR LISTENING!!!
Good idea. We are here, we are high, Get used to it!
Do away with drug laws and the drug “treatment” scam.
Let them do drugs, od, die and GTF out of the way.
i already love this guy.
not a very strong affirmation, but if he means what he said, this is a great victory for state’s rights and medical marijuana users everywhere. let’s just hope he shows some integrity.
finally its about time they stop raiding and i hope this happens right away
fantastic news
Is it more important to generate revenues via fines, seizures, etc. than to treat your otherwise law-abiding citizens with dignity? I sincerely hope not.