Undiagnosed medical condition?

Undiagnosed medical condition?

I have some sort of severely chronic muscular pain condition afflicting over 80% of my body and it doesn’t go away ever. It feels like my muscles are being shredded apart and it has been going on for over a year now. Vicodin, Percocet, NSAIDs, Tylenol, Codeine and multiple other drugs don’t work well enough to have me complete my daily tasks. It’s coming to the point where all I think about is pain, pain and more pain. It’s not fibro mialgia and my doctors have given up on what it could be. I’ve seen 6 specialists, all of whom say there is no cause to the pain. Even a neurologist sees nothing wrong with my brain. Marijuana relieves the pain almost completely, but I can’t use it if I will be working as a pharmacy tech. It’s so bad that I can barely exercise and I have a pretty okay diet. It has been proven not to be cancer, diabetes in any form, or neuropathic pain. Name any test and I guarantee it’s been performed on me. All negative, and my doctor has now discontinued my pain control medications because he can’t prescribe them to me without a diagnosis… Stupid DEA laws. All my organs are completely healthy except little fatty deposites in my liver, and my appendix has been removed. I take Vitamin C and Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) to help with my immune system and muscle growth and repair but no help there. If anyone who has medical knowledge of this then I beg for your help. It’s getting to the point where I don’t want to live anymore because of this pain. And no I don’t have depression or anxiety, been screened for that. The pain scale is usually around 7 or 8 out of 10 on the bad days, and 4 out of 10 on the good days. Any help would be great.

Oh and I have done 6 months of physical therapy and reflexology is a joke of a medical profession in my personal opinion… no offense to people whom disagree.
Yes they have tested for done problems and my bones are stronger than the average 22 year old. And I don’t get hooked on drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics. You name it, I can’t get addicted to it… I know, it’s very odd…

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