Uk outdoor marijuana grow budding

My 2 plants 3 weeks in to flower ben growing in the garden and being bought in at nite . The 1 on the right is sick and growing like a christmas tree lack of sun I think but the other 1 is doin really well
My 2 plants 3 weeks in to flower ben growing in the garden and being bought in at nite . The 1 on the right is sick and growing like a christmas tree lack of sun I think but the other 1 is doin really well
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Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
Check out my channel i have a plant on the go its an indoor plant 12 12from seed UK grow window sil from 8am it gets natural light till about 2am them its in direct sunlight from 2am till 8pm she is lil thin but the buds look ok so far any feed back would be nice
@elliotdeware87 But when I googled low ryder yield it came up with some guy getting 26g from one plant. Although warning you if you’re a first time grower this will probably not be the case.
@elliotdeware87 Soz for long reply, I have not grown it myself but I have been told it is bred for the UK climate. I just realised it is not “low rider” it is “low ryder” with a y. Never grown it before so not sure. I might be getting some of these low ryder seeds for myself.
@JFRlance What kind of low rider would you recommend, have you grown one yourself?
And also what is the yield like on them?
@elliotdeware87 The best for growing outdoors in UK climate is “low rider”. It grows and autoflowers within 8 weeks in britain, apparently.
What kind of strain would you recommend growing outdoors in the Uk?
I’m looking to plant them next week-ish
Im doing some cheese and pineapple chunk outdoor in uk and they are growing well so far this is just an experiment for me, but id just like to know what your plants smoked like and what type they are.
nice vid mate.
hahahahahahaha thats funny as fuck looool
you have any tip mate like when they are ready to put outside ?
listen mate,iv added you,its getting closer for the uk ting,so keep in touch i will have vids myself,maybe we could compare or help each other,peace
@yorkshirerepresenter sounds like a plan
@ukgrowmyown our summer is whack lol,but doing the cfl thing first maybe for three week im sure you could get three crops. if you stagger them nicely
@yorkshirerepresenter i start them off under blue cfls to give them a head start and bring them out when its warmer i have a couple of autos this year just gonna try them out see what happens do you reckon i could get to harvests in one summer with the autos outside
@ukgrowmyown too soon mate get some autos and leave it another month.
Will you sell me some!
nice man i am starting mine in a couple of weeks
how do you not get in trouble fot this? and safe! x
very nice man they look lovely..