Twenty-Seven Tons of Marijuana: Vanguard Sneak Peek

In this exclusive clip from the upcoming three-part Vanguard special, “War On the Border,” correspondent Adam Yamaguchi opens a tractor-trailer filled with 27 tons of marijuana seized by Mexican authorities. Chasing Drug Traffickers: Neo-Nazi Training Camp: Hunting for Glaciers: Greenland’s Dying Glaciers: “War On the Border” premieres on Current TV on Monday, November 15 at 9/8c. “Vanguard,” airing weekly on Current TV Mondays at 9/8c, is a no-limits documentary series whose award-winning correspondents put themselves in extraordinary situations to immerse viewers in global issues that have a large social significance.
Omg… I’m finning
@l1nkie Na man I only buy home grown :p
@lockwoodisafaggot The cartels fighting it out in Mexico sell both coke and pot,,,,so ya is scary and bad. Every dollar you spend on their pot,,,a few cents goes to buy the weapons and bullets they use to kill innocet people in Mexico…. so therefore you are partially guilty of the huge ammount of suffering going on over there
Want to use it…. get it legalized
imagine unwrapping those and realising they were blocks of hash…
oh and whoever spammed Nimfo66 deserves to get cancer and not have the privelage to cure it with hemp oil.
Run from the Cure documentary on youtube please watch man cures cancer using hemp oil and not charging people for the cure for terminal cancer man is a saint not a criminal please watch
please watch documentary RUN FROM THE CURE canadian man Rick Simpson cures terminal cancer with hemp oil and gives it away for free man is a saint not a criminal please watch the best documentary Ive ever seen RUN FROM THE CURE on youtube God Bless
wait intense? is that good or bad? yup good
Birds across America were high after they burned this stuff
@l1nkie the VAST majority of non smokers and smokers alike will amount to very little in there lifetime. It is pure self flattery to think that any one life choice will make or break your very very very limited probability of becoming famous or influential. This reason to stay away from pot is a red herring as silly as “you’ll never be an astronaut if you dont finish your vegetables”
To bad you cant smoke any of it.
what the government gonna do to it? destroy or keeps for themself????
@Zhaileo no… but were you mad when you wrote your comment?
Imagine how many old people that would turn into POLITE, NORMAL FOLKS. It’s mind-boggling. Might even make working in the service industry worthwhile. xD
@lockwoodisafaggot You have a solid point there, cocaine is def a much bigger issue then pot. I’m more of a beer drinker, but weed is pretty harmless
@foulbeershits didnt mean it quite that way. They are making a big show of the pot they captured like it’s the cat’s ass. The truth is cocaine is spilling over the border like crazy. “Weed flooding in from MEXICO!” Oooooooooooooh! Makes it all xenophobic and scary and bad.
@lockwoodisafaggot Your partly right. It would only be for the people in the major cities where the demand can’t be met locally. Stop it with the conspiracy theories, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and this was just a bust.
jajaj I need a lighter asap!
So that’s what heaven actually looks like! Fascinating!
Any weed packaged like that is shwag!
FUCKING FAGGET LIL WAYNE POSER, HES FAKE LIKE ALL COPS, WHO YOU CANT ACTUALLY TALK TO, further more and so then i can say that , i dont actually know what to say about that guy, except maybe hes just acting a fool. And Im better, This is actually fake.
wiid ftw!
just one would last me 2 months..
imagen isolating thta into like 1 g of the purist hash ever
noooooo my weeed
I was kinda joking.. sorry if you didn’t get it. lol.