TV Ad – Police Chief McNamara: Vote YES On Proposition 19

San Jose Police Chief (ret.) Joseph McNamara explains why he, and other law enforcement officers in California, will be voting Yes on 19. Full Text: Let’s be honest: The war against marijuana has failed. I know from 35 years in law enforcement. Today, it’s easier for a teenager to buy pot than beer. Proposition 19 will tax and control marijuana just like alcohol. It will generate billions of dollars for local communities, allow police to focus on violent crimes, and put drug cartels out of business. Join me and many others in law enforcement. Vote YES on Proposition 19!
@Travmapunk Wow is that THE BEST U CAN DO?…..What a fucking retard…Hurry up before u miss ur short bus!….hahaha
@USMARSHALS2 And remember kids: writting in Capslock doesn’t make your penis bigger!
Poor beaner,,,,o_O
It’s funny how most of the people with ties to law enforcement that supported this campaign are all former employees!………What happened they got FIRED after being caught BLAZING it on duty?…..hahahahaha
This man used to work with my Grandfather in his political years, he is an honest man who wants the best for San Jose (city he worked in.) My Grandfather said that this man here always had a good opinion and used his head all the time. All Im saying is California would rather listen to others than the hard working people who make up this land. All morality is washed from us.
@1cexman But then again….TYPICAL POTHEAD….UR NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS….N what valid points have you provided? At this point i’ve seen NON from your part….Before DICK*HEADS like you butted into my conversation…I was having a nice INTELLIGENT conversation with a Prop 19 supporter…No cussing….No personal shi*t….both of us were making valid arguments on our views…THIS WAS AN A&B CONVERSATION BEFORE ASS*HOLES LIKE YOU CAME ALONG…… SO C UR WAY OUT OF IT FU*CK FACE!……
@1cexman Let’s get something straight….YOU STARTED cussing at me…….Why is it that YOU DELETED YOUR COMMENTS?….huh?…YOU started being a DICK towards me….WHAT DO U WANT ME TO DO… STAY QUIET?…..WHY DON’T U POST BACK UP ALL THE SH*T YOU WERE TALKING HUH?…….Come up “live up” to your name and MAN THE F*CK UP….I would delete mine too…but I DON’T WANT TO PLAY YOUR STUPID FU*CKING GAME….BESIDES I’M NOT A LITTLE BI*TCH LIKE U…I SAID IT…N AND I MEANT IT….AND WHAT?
@USMARSHALS2 Does everyone see how the marijuana users are proving valid points and substantial arguments, while the people who voted no on prop 19 dont smoke weed are cussing everyone out and being a dick on youtube? That just goes to show pot smokers are nicer and calmer people
@1cexman Yah I can see that……Is that ur biggest accomplishment of ur life u fu**cking retard?….What’s next ur post a picture of yourself sporting the new helmet ur mommy bought u?……
@1cexman HEY CUNTMAN….you’re suppose to be a man?….take that shit off you’re screen name….ur no man….ur a FU**CKING BIT**CH…hiding behind a fu**cking computer just like any other PUSS***Y…..Id fuck**Ing dare you to tell me that in person you fu**cking inbred pile of dog sh**t!………Now stop tryin*g to act all hard homeboy…cause you ain’t….you’re nothing more than a little bit**ch……SO FUC*K OFF CUNT
@fatrapperinyou I’m guessing that’s sarcasm?
You didn’t use the SMEAR tactics that people for NO on Prop 19 USED.
they used fear tactics. It wasn’t true …. but it worked.
we should have had a commercial about drug cartels, our budget, use pictures.
you FUCK!!
@AndThenThereWasBlunt I hope your mother gets sodomized multiple times by a strung out pothead like yourself…..I hope he urinates in her mouth and defecates in her face…..while you sit tied up to a chair and watch in anguish unable to help her…..Then we’ll see who’s laughing…… pie**ce of dog shit!….hahahahha
@AndThenThereWasBlunt I can see how could lock yourself out of your own home given that weed has killed the few brain cells you have left!….hahahahahaha
@AndThenThereWasBlunt @AndThenThereWasBlunt N you are a strung out drug addict with NO FUTURE…BESIDE THIS WAS AN A AND B CONVERSATION SO SEE YOUR WAY OUT OF IT FU***CK FACE!!…HAHAHAHA
who the fuck smokes weed before trying to commit a crime…. You sir, are an idiot. It’s great how most of those opposing Prop 19 have no idea of the effects of weed. Smoke a joint and tell me if you feel like doing some violent shit…. Last time I checked, raiding the fridge and passing out on the couch wasn’t equivalent to “shoplifting, vandalizing or carjacking”…. Breaking into a house, while blazed? You’re kidding man, unless it was my own damn house after I locked myself out of it…
@USMARSHALS2 N you are a hick with unsubstantiated arguments
@USMARSHALS2 ha, i don’t think it’s super difficult. There are always ways to get around it. but if it remains illegal, it sure doesn’t help much. And if it’s illegal then adults who want to use it recreationally cannot, for no good reason at all. I mean, damn, if people don’t want their kids using drugs, they should teach them more about it rather than just expecting the law to “protect” them (since it doesn’t) and curtailing other peoples’ rights.
@myskyren It’s not as a difficult as you might think……trust me on that…….N yes you’re right it isn’t going to stop them but it will make it harder for them.
@USMARSHALS2 moreover I imagine it would be more difficult for them to get it from stores because they’d first need to find someone willing to buy it for them and I frankly think it’s more difficult to do that than to get it from someone who doesn’t give a shit what age you are.
if your kids want to do it, keeping it illegal isn’t going to stop them.
@USMARSHALS2 what? so it’s bad just because it affects your behavior when you smoke it?? the way it affects most people is not negative, for one, and for another, my point was that it’s not likely to have negative long-term affects. I mean you still really haven’t explained how it’s so risky.
And okay, so because they get it from their friends who get it from drug pushers (meaning it’s still readily-available), it’s somehow better than them getting it from their friends who get it from stores?
@myskyren I wouldn’t go as far as to calling it evil….but is not good either. Most kids don’t buy their weed or drugs from drug pushers themselves. They get it from their “friends” so where’s the risk?….N those severe penalties would not be abolished even if prop 19 had passed because it would still be illegal for anyone underage to possess weed.
@myskyren Well then there you go….you just admit….that it does affect your behavior. N yes….weed-tainted candy….where would they get it you ask?….It’s simple had this proposition passed…..The liquor store on the corner would be carrying such products……Let me ask you this how do middle schoolers get a hold of six packs and cigarettes now a days?….
a lot of the people who voted were old, for one, and convinced that it’s some kind of evil drug, for another.
again, I ask you, what’s stopping your kids from getting weed now? I assure you that finding a dealer and getting some pot is no difficult task, and if anything you should be more worried about THAT because that is quite a lot more risky for them, not to mention the absurdly severe penalties for that kind of thing at schools and whatnot