Tour Of DEA Drug Warehouse

June 28, 2011 ABC News
June 28, 2011 ABC News
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
We should make the Mexicans slave like the white man did 2 the nigas until 1864 and beat them senseless with a bull whip fuk the Mexican sand nigas i hate their dirty a@ses
Looks like a typical commercial warehouse that stores stock in preparation for sale. Considering that the DEA has been dealing drugs for years now, this doesn’t surprise me.
So they destroyed $100M in pot by burning it supplied free of charge by the Mexican cartels, yet financially the government is in such a bind that social security cheques may not of gone out.
K I got a crazy idea for you boys……sell it. Hell sell it at 2x the street price, my guess is your financial woes get fixed up at a high rate of speed.
Just sayin.
You need a revolution in America…. REVOLT and MARCH against your draconian laws!!!! REVOLTUTION is the only thing that will save Americans.
“A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.” – President Abraham Lincoln
1:46 – Thanks for grinding it for me dudes!
You know at 3:46 the reporter is thinking “damn”.
Now that it is legalized in some places AND actually helping people, why did they destroy what could have helped so many people. AND help turn the debt in this country around. The government HAS crops of marijuana growing just FOR the medicinal usage. Why then did they destroy this. Is it “because we didn’t grow it,” or what. We do have a bunch of morons in this country and this just shows us more stupidity.
In reality, the kinds of people moving truckloads of marijuana don’t usually come into the equation for people smoking high-quality cannabis. Marijuana distribution is usually more localized. If people are moving semi-trucks, it’s obviously a large criminal enterprise that can get fake truckers’ licenses, which I as a (mostly) law-abiding citizen don’t approve of. Regrettably, prohibition still allows criminals to profit from cannabis.
1:44 damn I need to get myself a grinder that big..
That guy just said it was a fucking cash crop, Bring it here legally so we get the money
Not To Worry You are not gonna get high from the smell?!! What about getting Cancer from Cigarettes? These people are morons!
@EccoDelta it is the same.
“The Blood Crop?” wow fuck the news.
lol the police man is a total fagot
you know what somebody should do they should just fill the bags with something that looks just like weed and see if they get stoped
the destroying part made me cringe…. all that wasted weed…..
Gah that guy looks like such a cock sucker. >.<
Why do people keep buying mexican schwag?
waste of time…. and massive resources,their are 1000 other things these officers can be doing than burning a plant that is natural and whether you like it or not is the biggest cash crop bigger than corn, in the UNITED STATES and its illegal under federal law LOL what a joke… old America i miss you
50 thousand pounds?
what a waste
While we’re wasting money, why not use the pot to make ethanol?
legalise it