Time for a Change? Cloth Nappies Vs. Disposal Nappies

As a modern mom not exposed to cloth nappies, you probably belong to the generation of mothers who are closely attached to disposables. Modern lifestyles have been hooked to convenient but very wasteful items, such as disposable nappies.Most mothers actually shun cloth nappies because of its perceived disadvantage. One of the most popular misconception about cloth nappies is they will keep your baby wet thus leading to nappy rashes.Another misconception is the thought that your baby will be uncomfortable with cloth nappies. Because of this, you will not be able to rest and your baby will not get his or her much needed sleep. Are these concerns and problems about cloth nappies real? Are cloth nappies not at par or superior to disposables?With the development of modern cloth technologies and designs, you better reassess your perception of cloth and disposable nappies. More and more mothers are using cloth nappies that there should be something special about them.To give you a fair idea about the features of modern cloth nappies, you need to start at the very basic premise of why disposables have become so popular.Disposables are touted to provide more savings. This is utterly false as the cost of buying disposables over a period of three years can reach to $3,500. You may not notice it in the short term because disposables are extremely cheap per piece. The compounded expenses however can be significant if you add up the years from your baby’s birth until they are old enough for the potty.On the other hand, you will only spend approximately $900 for cloth nappies during the same period from birth to potty. This includes the complete set of cloth nappies, washing and drying expenses and purchases for reusable baby cloth wipes. So it is clear that cloth nappies really provide more saving compared to disposables. This point alone should lead you to rethink your option of using disposable nappies.Modern cloth nappies are also made from high quality materials that are more absorbent and skin tolerant. Gone were the days of the ever despised flat nappies that leak instantly whenever the baby wee-wee’s.Cloth nappies today are manufactured using high fiber breathable cloth that absorbs moisture comparable to disposables. The breathable feature of modern cloth nappies protects your baby from nappy rash. So, your baby will be drier and more comfortable.Cloth nappies are also very trendy and chic nowadays. Those unsightly first generation nappies that need to be folded, ironed, and pinned are being replaced by fashionable cloth nappies. It would not be difficult today to find colorful nappies that have Velcro or button straps which make changing a lot easier. Because they are very attractive to look at, they can be paired with your baby’s holiday dresses. There are other benefits you can get from cloth nappies. It is high time already to reevaluate cloth nappies and make the big shift from disposables. Your baby’s skin can be protected by the trendy cloth nappies and you can save money if you dispose the disposables.
We have a wide range of Modern Cloth Nappies including BumGenius, Haute Baby Products, Baby BeeHinds, Bummis, Monkey Doodlez and Bubblebubs. For details visit http://www.clothbabes.com.au