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Three Day Detox Diet – Using the Lemon Diet For 3 Day-Detox

Three Day Detox Diet – Using the Lemon Diet For 3 Day-Detox

Three Day Detox Diet

What is the Lemon Diet?

There are about as many lemon diets today as there are…well, lemons. Most variations of the Lemon Diet are derived from the program created by Stanley Burroughs known as the Master Cleanse. Since that time the practice and ingredients have been adapted to many other types of diet including 3 Day-Detox. Most commonly you consume a drink made from water, lemons, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper for a period of time. This is not a routine I would recommend for beginners, even for 3 days. It is, however, very effective and is especially recommended for spring and autumn.

How to make Detox Lemonade.

Using three 1-liter bottles this recipe makes a one day supply of detox lemonade.

Mix 7 table spoons of lemons, 7 table spoons of molasses and 1/2 tea spoon cayenne pepper into a 1 liter bottle, repeat for the second bottle. The third bottle is for water only and you will refill it throughout the day. Three Day Detox Diet

What to do.

Drink the lemonade mix anytime you feel hungry through the day. The 2 liters need to last all day and all of it needs to be used each day. The rest of the time drink only fresh water.

Don’t take any solid food during this process, only water and the lemonade mix. It can be used for a 3 Day-Detox or for only one or two days. The Master Cleanse diet followed this process for 10 days but included routines for before and after to help insure no ill effects. Three Day Detox Diet

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