thoughts on my yugioh deck?

this is a deck im going to be making and it has too many cards in it so i was wondering what everybody had for thoughts on what to get rid of or add to make it amazing
y-dragon head
beiige, vanguard of dark world
dark blade
kahkki, guerilla of dark world
kycoo the ghost destroyer
night assailant
mask of darkness
archfiend soldier
x-head cannon
brron, mad king of dark world
sillva, warlord of dark world
goldd, wu-lord of dark world
dark ruler ha des
z-metal tank
black luster soldier- envoy of the beginning
barrel dragon
the creator
injection fairy lily
goblin elite attack force
d.d. warrior lady
magician of faith
spirit reaper
don zaloog
d.d. asailant
mage power
change of heart
card destruction
nobleman of crossout
dark core
pot of greed
graceful charity
dark world lightning
gravekeep’s servant
poison of the old man
double spell
harpie’s feather duster
swords of revealing
monster reborn
wave-motion cannon
graceful dice
united we stand
mystical space typhoon
heavy storm
premature burial
divine wrath
shadow spell
magic cylinder
dust tornado
sakuretsu armor
dark mirror force
trap jammer
trap hole
judgment of anubis
draining shield
coffin seller
raigeki break
spell shield type-8
secret barrel
negate attack
mirror force
crush card virus
skull dice
call of the haunted
now i know i have ban cards but i don’t care about that right now just tell me what i should keep and get rid of thanks
ok u guys are idiots i said i don’t care about ban cards and to give your input on what to get rid of so don’t say get it down to 40 cards cause i want u to
Get rid of the cards. You’ll thank me.
Get rid of all of them, and discover world outside of fantasy card games?
too many cards, get down to 40, 20 monsters and 20 magics/traps
Get rid of them all and go outside and get some friends.
jk, i don’t know ish about yogioh
Find replacements for your baned cards