the secret closet weed grow part 1 day 1

today i saw life coming from my yogurt cup in the form of little Mary-Jane babies this is my first actual attempt at growing so it will be a learning process ive watched plenty of videos on youtube on the subject of marijuana growing, i must have watched the ultimate grow 15 times and Jason Wilcox is an extremely knowledgeable grower whose videos i have also taken tips from im planning on giving them about 20 hours of light and im dirt poor so i will be feeding them only distilled water for now. and i use miracle grow potting soil any comments or constructive criticism is appreciated please no negative stuff i think if they dont die in the next couple days im gonna do weekly updates
watch my winter grow please, thank you.
when u germinanta ur weed seed and then put it in the soil wat u do next put a cfl light on it so it can start coming out the dirt..
how long have the seeds been in there?
@darkoelaswad thanks for ur help brother.
@darkoelaswad Well the females can be identified by little trychomes growing under the leaves probobly around a month of growing, males are hemp they cant really be smoked for THC cus you wouldent get a high, but there great for making stuff like cloths, hats, etc. theres some great pictures on google images that can help you identify female plants, but i wouldent suggest growing untill your a little more familirized with the herb broseph, no prob
@International09Mafia bro mine is getting a bit yellow, and its in week 1, if u have any advice on how many times i should water it and how many hours of light and darkness it needs please help… first timer
@dbs55denis what is the difference between females and males bro ? and how would u know its sex
aww its a baby, good luck i hope there females!
woul like to see how it goes for you with ur op. I have some friends and some more knowledge 4 u in my channel. respect.