The Reefer Report: January 28, 2009

In this episode: Tahoe Dispensary Raided by DEA, Advocacy group says San Bernardino held prvate meeting in decision to appeal, Alameda attacking medical marijuana dispensary, dispensary fighting back, Clear Lake now debating medical marijuana access, THC Foundation opens clinic in Michigan, M3A begins advocating for Michigan’s sick and dying, North Carolina Medical Marijuana advocates present petition to lawmakers, Colorado’s western slope in need of dispensary, A Montana bill to allow PA’s and NP’s to prescribe stalls, New Jersey Assemblywoman Pat Angelini gives propaganda-style excuse for shutting down medical marijuana in New Jersey, fails to propose real solution.
Last Year Sugar Daddy Fred Thompson came to my Town. After his speech , I told him about the crappy Mississippi medicinal farm with about 4 patients. Please reopen! He said no, His four stooges on the front row laughed , boooood and heckled me. I tore up my sign and peacefully walked out!!! The Baptist/Methodist Nazis , Shriners ,and a biker I went to church with for ten years did not stand up for me. They turned it up! The local news covered it up. I hate everybody !!! 420 nation now!
Here is a better version ! Ezekiel 34:29 I will raise them up a plant of ill renown , and there shall no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. Ask Mr. Google for more info. Mr. Google knows every damn thing !!! no guns, no bombs , get your raggy asses on your computers and fight!!!! like hell 420 nation !!!! Don’t let the basturds win !!!! Twilight Onearmbiker age 46 My mommy & Daddy won’t let own one !!!!! NORML rules 420 Jack Herer hero
Ezekiel 34:29 I will provide them a land renowned for its crops, “best wheat and weed in the world” and they no longer be victims of famine. in the land or bear the scorn of the nations. 1st Timothy 4:4,5 For Every creature God has created is good, and nothing to be refused., if it to be recieved with Thanks Giving. For it is satified by the word of God and prayer.
Marijuana paste can stop the war in Afghanistan and solve the African problems with one stone!!! Give the Afghan Farmers an alternative to poppy. Save Afghan economy send to Africa, send us seeds! Relief workers can freshly mix into paste. Cure famine/aids with the paste, with one stone. Marijuana is the healthiest most nutritious plant on earth. B17 out the ass to fight desease. 420 feed the world and the bible will back me up. Ezekiel 34:29 1st Timothy 4,5 write and fight 420 nation !
Marijuana Paste- Grind fresh marijuana into powder, mix with liqid aloe. “Fruit of the Earth-Walmart” $8gal I drink it chilled, taste like a plant, but you won’t mind it at all after a month. Eat the green paste ,cures and prevents everything. A gram a day keeps the cancer away. Apply on gangrene and skin cancer. Unoperatable cancer open them up load down with paste, pencilin, and soe back up. I want to ingest and smoke, works best when done for chronic phantom limb pain. 420 nation
Just say yes to a Thug free America. I hope that evil hard headed bi-polar cunt gets raped in the ass by a nigger! It has been a month without a lid. I fed Russian Jews instead! $160 Mex, green! I am climbing the walls. It feels like a steamroller run over my fingers to the elbow 24/7 since Sept. 89. I hate everybody!!! If they put me in prison, I will go on hunger strike and die. S.C. has 25 prisons! S.C. Att, General Henry McMasters and the Southern Baptist /Methodist Nazis are my enemy.
Around 2000 I quit smoking pot. 4years 1 month 12 days !!!! I was a fucking drunk. You hurt 3 times as much the next day , if you had done nothing at all. When the supreme court picked on that school teache,r if she goes 3 hours without a vaporizer, she starts to die. I got high! Fuck America, never again. I might drink 2 or 3 glasses of wine a month. I just got ripped off from my dealer of 12 years. His bi-polar old lady got kicked by a horse they cannot afford. Doctor has my bread!
I busted all the nerves in my chest in 1989. Super chronic phantom pain with a dead arm. I had my dead arm removed in 1991. Morphine shot did nothing. I refused the 2nd morphine shot. S.C. pot is mexican shit and I get ripped off by heartless fucking niggers all the time. I hate my evil country , I hope Obammy”s socialism fails . Welcome to the United Socialist Policed States of America. America Home of the Pee to be Free. The hydropoic weed here $150 1/4 for high yealding silver crap!
Thank you! Peace and Love!
Thanks for another good report!
~ Fer
Once Again Angela, Great video, Keep up the fight! ( Hopefully one day there will be some hope for recreational use =D ) Stay cool, Peace.
Actually I’ve never said that. You obviously have me confused with someone else. I am not sure what research you are reading, but all research on marijuana is not studied only on psychiatric patients. If you go to the Reefer Report website you will see plenty of research articles that have nothing to do with psychology or psychiatry.
Yer well lady that is what you sort of said in one of your videos. You said everyone is a criminal who doesnt smoke it without some medical problem.
And as what you say below. The only research they do on it is in psychiatric hospitals so wont be legalized ever with their point of view LOL
Here it is, my opinion:
Marijuana will never be legalized for recreational purposes before more research is done. This research is relevant to Mj’s actual medicinal benefits. Hmm…see a connection? You have to take steps when dealing with social change regarding something that has been demonized for over 70 years. People are more willing to accept MMj vs rec. Mj bc it quantifiably helps people. There are so many things Mj helps with that anyone who would want a permit can get one. see CA
The Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee was looking at medical marijuana in your state. If you watch my November 12 video there is more info. You can also get a link to the original story (as with all episodes) on ReeferReport(dot)com under the archive section. Let me know if you have any problems getting the info.
To me I would rather give my own opinion than someone else making assumptions about where I stand on any issue. Thanks!
your not sick? well then to her you are a druggie and should be locked up LOL
they got to legalize it for everyone not just a sick few.
Im not sick, but i have to agree with you all..alcohol is way worse!! any info on ohio?? id be happy to help out in this state if needed!
very lol
I used to go bar hopping through town,each bar filled to capacity with young people visibly intoxicated.Why aren’t our polititians puting half the effort into our alcohol problem such as checking your kees at the door and passing a breath test on the way out.
You must be proud, jerryk2198.
You are encouraged to write to the President, or you can call the White House at (202) 456-1111 to ask that Pres. Obama put an immediate stop to all medical marijuana raids, and stop victimizing the sick and dying.
Mmm, not a good sign with the DEA raid under Obama, considering that he said he wouldn’t support the use of federal resources for harassing state medical marijuana. It’s early yet though, hopefully this is just old momentum in motion, and that Obama will provide some redirection of the DEA’s priorities after he gets a handle on the larger issues he’s working on. We’ll see …
Great Show look forward to the next one! ;o)