The Perfect Garden Part 5 | Medical Marijuana Garden Showoffs! Marijuana Seeds, Bongs, Pipes, and just about anything! Marijuana Seeds, Bongs, Pipes, and just about anything!
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
what is ur light bill like ?
If you have got the money then a co2 supla sytem is a great investment there is no dought that this will increase your yeid to unreal dry weights.If i was to give any advice it would be key your room to the right temp the right co2 intake the right humidity before even investing in getting any plants.This may sound odd but this time spent will mean that the first harvest will be has good has the 15/20 if this is not done temps are key to getting max yeild…………..tyke…………
All of the peolple who have bad thing’s to say about this dvd are 100% not gardeners ,if they are then they are playing at it and not doing it right because some of the info in these dvds are invaluble to a grower.These gardens in the perfect garden section are made so that cannabis can thrive in them and belive me this is harder than the novice/smoker thinks so keep yr opinions to yr self and just look at these lovely rooms and palnts.
Some of the comments below are of people that i would say are smokers not gardeners other wise they would know by looking that some of these set up are ver good perhaps they do yeild a little on the small side well some of them but there is alot of hard work gone into this dvd and the gardens so show a little respect plonkers.
Sorry dude’s but no garden is perfect with out BLUEBERRY OR JACK HERER in them.There is no dought that these dvd’s are the greatest cannabis all rounder thats on the market,i kind a class them has the cannabis bible but in dvd format not book.When is the next set comeing dudes.Come to the uk and check some of the badest weed that has been around for time.
What is that at 4:28???
Hey man, I appreciate the videos, you do an excellent job. Keep up the great work.
you call that perfect???????????? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
nice setup man costly though
so little plants for this amazing setup n space
listenig to this guy is painful..sounds like such a bitch!
sounds like a gay white guy. Are you a fag?