The Mad Scientist

CLICK WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY Staring- Molino Mad Scientist V2.0 With Molino Percolator, G-Spot Diffuser, Roor reducing adaptor (18.8-14.5), Molino Pre-Cooler, Custom Downpipe
CLICK WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY Staring- Molino Mad Scientist V2.0 With Molino Percolator, G-Spot Diffuser, Roor reducing adaptor (18.8-14.5), Molino Pre-Cooler, Custom Downpipe
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@wordup225 It’s made my molino google “molino mad scientist”
nice rips
drag looks like a bitch
@wordup225 and it leaks alot… like you cant keep you water in it you have to keep fillin it
one winged angel and weed……cant get any better than that
What did u use for the cork? Im lookin to mkaing a whip for my 2footer making it a 2person hookah from time to time.-
@anorexicmind It acts like a carb to clear the main chamber so the perc doesn’t come out which it sometimes does while clearing
@carlovert I made it
Howd u get that whip? Or what company makes them?
Why the quad tubing I don’t get it
ok whats so great about this eh?
raymour and flannigans furniture, represent!
i saw the weed star mad scientist and the molino one as well, they both look good and have excellent features just don’t know which one to choose. any help. where would you get that tubing attachment from as well feekin sweet man nice vid.
i like the tubing bro. i did something similar on my homemade 3 chamber bong. it reminds me of a hookah lol.
damn, i would have been choking
im looking to purchase this, but other than online, can these be bought at local smoke shops?
how do you like the molino precooler? thats the same one im gettin.
The Mad Scientist by Large Professor
what’s the song?
the “mad professor” by weed-star (it’s kinda simular to that one) costs about 40€
damn bro thats niiiice. how much do they cost?
Yeah, my friend hit mine too hard and ended up breaking the percolator. At least it makes a good ice catcher now.