The Future of Marijuana in America

Marijuana has the brightest future in America, more so than any other time in our History. Recreational use of Cannabis is on the legislative horizon in California, over a dozen States have approved Medicinal Marijuana, and domestic pot farmers are producing hybrids of Marijuana like something out of a sci-fi novel.
First of all, legalization of Marijuana is sensible. In California, Cannabis has been the number one cash crop for decades. There was a time when Cali could have stood alone in the World, ranked as the 7th overall economy. Now, with Cali on the brink of financial ruin- Marijuana revenue has become quite feasible as a boost. I laugh at opponents of Cannabis legalization. When you stop to ponder recreational use of killer tobacco products, and the burden of alcohol related crimes, health problems, and death- Marijuana is a blessing.
On the Medical Marijuana front, Cannabis has been a blessing to many Americans (global as well) beset with health ailments. These citizens no longer have to feel like criminals in a clandestine environment, just to obtain medical relief. Once again, compare the prescriptive problems of Hydrocodone, epilepsy drugs, methadone, and the recent deluge of celebrity overdoses, and Medical Marijuana pales by contrast.
Finally, the best pot farmers in the World are right here in the U.S., many from Cali alone. Hundreds of hybrids are coming out each year, and pretty soon we’ll run out of names for these Super Strains of Cannabis. This domestic aspect has already led to a substantial drop in prices, with potent quality Cannabis reaching all markets. What a sweet result and promising future. Indoor Cannabis cultivation has become the “new” family pastime. As Cannabis becomes further mainstreamed into American society, it appears that all of the hoopla will subside.
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