The Due Crew Grow Rooms

This is the Due Crew setup. We start with an overall consultation for design and construction of a complete grow system. We utilize the space you have to grow in and work with the type of system you desire. Whether it is soil, hydroponics, fogponics, or aeroponics. The room becomes a clean environment, sealed with vinyl, and plastics, and creating and screening all intakes. 600-watt fixtures light the room with air-cooled inline fans, helping to keep the room clean and clear of odors. Odor protection is a must, not a scent leaves our rooms! We keep safety a number one priority, making sure electrical lines for all electronic units such as lights, ballasts, and pumps are ran properly. All electronics are run on a 20-amp circuit ensuring no fire hazards. Every unit in the room is waist to ceiling high. Nothing is on the floor. We install control and monitoring units for heating, air conditioning, ventilation, and CO2 so there are no worries, the whole set up is plug and play! The Due Crew now offers full grow systems, the Due 3600, a 36-site system, and the 7500, a 75-site system. These are designed for the legalities of Michigan’s Medical Marijuana law and to produce a “sea of Green” 6 to 8 week grow program. Call us today for a free phone consultation, 734-945-3393
typo*** Whatever you daily dosage of meds recommended by your Doctor) ..
I wish you were over here in Toronto. Your just a stone throw away, anyhow, you rooms look very clean a nice. I wish your plant laws were based on how our system is, (basically whatever your daily dosage of meds recommends you translate into your plant growth limit) . On average from the people that I know that have a medical license there limits are 50-100 plants for Themselves (no patients themselves).
Anyhow great room, you might just have to come up here one day and build one.
In the unlikely event that I win the lottery -made even more unlikely by the fact that I don’t even buy the ticket!- I know who to hire.
The A-Team? No, the Due Crew!
On a side note: the fictional guys from the A-Team didn’t take themselves as seriously as you people seem to, but I expect you are just as competent in setting up grow rooms for ROSES as they were in rescuing pretty blondes from their evildoers.
Hmmm… I like ROSES…
Let’s see some buds in flower guys! All I’m seeing here is vegging plants…
Again with the amature comments. 3 feet……..Why would I want to grow any bigger than the 18 to twenty in buds I get now. You see…..I have over 30 yrs in on this subject…..I dont do this as a hoby……its my career. I produce equipment that does the job. Do some research before you start hating. And thank youWeadone for the possitive energy you put into this conversation. Im not saying that I cant learn everyday…..If I stop learning I will be dead. But I do know my systems and they wrk
@seanmilli two words, activated carbon. and dude with a six to eight week turnover they’ll be lucky to hit 3 feet.
its not about how many plants you do its about the yield Per Square Meter i know dutch guys who take cuttins pot them up an 4 days later put em on 24 light for ten days then into flower.
I have a 35ft by 25ft by 8ft high, underground grow area (under the coffee table in the living room) i got 10K to spend.
Contact me and lets see what we can do.
Do you or rather, can you, grow other plants with this system? Do you have plans for corn, wheat, etc, as well? Thanks.
Thats its, Im moving to Michigan!!!
Oh yea…….. You use a central air system for recirc. air or a portable ac unit that has exhaust in/out…..No air even has contact with your room air ……..But if you knew anything about HVAC you would of known this,,,,,Hahahaha….So leave my channel until you get some education…..
And as far as smell I said no scent leaves the room with out being treated. This means no one gets to smell your ROSES except you……You must not have been growing for long to make such comments……..So put yourself in check and do some home work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could of just deleted this comment but let it stay up for all to see your amateur ways…..Thank god for all that keep me going with this insanity.
Well if you can see this is to run a single light…..whether its a 400-600-1000 or a super lumen…..Its run on a 20 amp service……Maybe you dont under stand electricity. And you are correct on one thing….Those plants dont get any higher than 3 ft.. It already has 1 to 4 oz of medical grade on it by this time…. This system is designed for the small producer or home gardener. We did not intend it to be for a over the Michigan 12 plant or 12 plant per caregiver system.
these nft systems could not support a plant above 3 feet high……. and who runs any grow room on 20 amps…. 600 watts are for amateurs… propane burner produces to much heat…. and the gurrantee of no smell outside the room… thats impossible…. the AC must exhaust somewhere…..
I will also add that the next time you comment on a subject or video, you might want to leave out the derogatory statements “Little gay videos.” Its misleading and could make people not take you very serious. Again thank you for your time and concern.
T. Perdue
The DueCrew
We have been in the industry for over half of my life (21yrs). And have been a very successful hydroponics store owner. I stand behind my equipment and the method 110%. I thank you for your input and am glad we have people like you to keep us successful business men and woman in check. This only keeps our business strong and our industry Growing…..No pun intended.
Thank you for taking the time to view our channel. I can see you are not a big fan of Fogponics as you have posted negative on other fog sites as well. As I tell my multiple clients that all systems of growing work….. But what one works best for you. We have had this system for sale in our wholesale and retail store for almost two yrs with no complaints or dangers. The mist you speak of is not a spray of water but a 3 to 5 micro fog that foiler feeds and stimulates root growth.
The mist that touches the glass on your hood is not cool or safe. You might want to figure that out before you show your gay little videos.
Mr Glass Addict. My contact info is in the videos…. If you want give me a call and we chat more on your wants and needs.
@caliroots1 You can easily have a filtered vent outside the grow room and use CO2. CO2 is heavy and sinks, you place your filter for HOT air up high, you know where HOT air is. Unless you have a heavy enough CFM drag then yes there is a possibility of losing CO2. So YES “no smell leaves the room”. Check out my grows, I run through a filter, then 5 x 6″ hoods through the fan and outside to another filter and no smell leaves. For the setting my CO2 tank is set at, I am losing like 10% tops at most
They are all set to a central climate control in the set up you are referring to. The carbor filters out the smell that would otherwise be in the room out as it exaust heat out of the room. So no smell, as in unwanted, floral scents. We do show multiple ways in our videos to have all types of grow rooms.
no smell leaves the room……then why is there a filter ???????? especially if your running co/2 an or r u just showing all the way u could construct it ?
God this is cool
Very nice!!!!!
clean work, props