Test your IQ?

Test your IQ?


1.In a pot, there have two types of bean, red bean and green bean. I mixed both of them by stirring them for one minute. Later I pour the pot and I notice that the red bean moved to one side and the green bean moved to another side. It is separated instantly without doing anything. How can this happen?
2.1 + 1 x 2 =? What is the answer for the question?
3.There are three sisters in a house. The eldest sister’s name is Smart. The second sister’s name is Smarter. What is the third sister name.
4.In a bus there are 7 girls. Each girl has 7 bags. Each bag has 7 cats. Each cat has 7 kittens. Each cat has 7 nipples. How many nipples are in the bus?
5.There is a woman who talks Japanese only. One day, she went to market in Malaysia. She saw a fat and juicy chicken is the market. She wants to buy it but she is unable to talk Malaysia’s language. Therefore she make hand signal to the seller. She points her own hand when she wants the wing and she points her own leg when she wants chicken legs. But when she wants the chicken buttock she is shy to point at her own buttock. Thus, she asks her husband to buy the chicken buttock. How does her husband going to buy the chicken?
dee is terrible….nvm
m correct 1 out of 5 only.
guesswho correct 2 out of 5
tamia only got 1 out of 5 correct.

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