Synthetic Marijuana – Wicked Spice Review

After reading about the effects of synthetic marijuana on I bought some at a local headshop and I was blown away! They sell this stuff online at .Stuff is very similar to marijuana and the effects are the same. Highly recommended! PS: Sorry for the crappy video. I have a public job and don’t want people to recognize me.
I found this site that sells it cheaper than the gas stations buywickedspiceDOTcom (WTF damn youtube won’t let us post links!)
Just tried it yesterday, It smells wierd, and tastes….odd. But the high is as close to bud as I’ve ever seen.
@lx180271 in short… yes
Wicked Spice is awesome. I have tried others,but this is by far the best. organic really makes a difference. BTW: Nice glasses! lol. What are you trying to hide your bloodshot eyes?