Storage Unit Grow Box Upgrades

Now the storage grow box comes in 6 and 8 lights.
Now the storage grow box comes in 6 and 8 lights.
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
ur fans are fucking loud why have a stealth growbox if its loud as fuck
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MARIJUANA LOVERS – We invite you to listen # 949-963-3422
MARIJUANA LOVERS – We invite you to listen # 949-963-3422
you always seem to have a case of red eye, way to go buddy!!
what lights do u use dont u use 600w hps and stuff like that
@maclovindotca not true. a hps light puts out about 80 lumens per watt so thats a total of 5600-6500 lumens total. each 26 watt cfl that he is running puts out 1700 lumens which is a total of 13600 lumens which double the amount from the HPS. plus a hps costs more to run, burns out faster, needs a ballast and puts out much much more heat. do your research before posting on stuff you dont know anything about.
noice noice. do u know how to make a light trap? or something that light cant escape through where the fans are without like decreasing the fan speed or cfm
nice grow box
visit growrelentless dotcom for indoor grow systems
where could i find those lil fans that you have..n by the way dude that is the best grow box i ever seen in my life i wish i would have that grow box bro.,.good job
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hey i wound like to no if you can put a lock on this
you do you need intake outtake i dont want smell all over my house
Dude, those lights are not efficient. ONE 70 watt HPS bulb could produce the same amount of lumens and do an overall better job. It would cost the same amount and save you a lot less time, not to mention easier to control the heat.
just a thought- the boxes you are building are not up to the demands of what most need in a “secret” grow box. If I myself were to grow something in my house that was legal i would not go through the trouble of getting one of these. Its those that wish to break the law that are truly interested in something of this nature for which your box will not have the sheer lumen output/space to get the job done
what is the price of this box?
just find old pc’s and take the fans.. cheap and easy you will just haev to rewire them
hey man make one of these with quieter fans!! then post a vid!! i like how it has 8 lights!! i live in ak and its pretty chilly here. so i think if you could make me one of these babys with some quieter fans and 8 lights, make it smell proof, then i would be very interested!! ill e mail u one of these days to get a price range!!
u r infact a fucking genius man!! good work!!
What you need is a AC 120V to DC 12V plug adapter, by that I mean the big fat plugs that might be used to charge RC batteries or something like that. I found an extra one with all my old plugs I never used, cut the tip off and used the 2 wires to run the fans, I have 3 fans on one plug, but I fried 2 before I used that adapter
yeah man, a video on how to wire a comp fan to a socket would be great.
cause i just spent 32$ on a fancy lil fan, woulda saved me like 27bucks if i knew how to wire that shit
I can make them with quieter fans if that is what you needed.
These are too loud
can you make a tutorial of how to wire the computer fans to a socket?
i am buying computer fans and i need to rewire them so i can plug them to the wall socket
the information regarding the opening to provide the correct CFM flow would be available provided you had acess to AUTODESK or CAD software or a machine shop,
or, you could do the half assed way (which I would do personally, just as effective logically), and measure the surface area of each opening that a fan creates anf add them together,
thats how big your duct needs to be on the bottom, just make sure the light trap has the same distances all the way through and youre good to go.
think of a tunnel with 2 fans, one intake and one exhaust. (effictively what youre creating inside the light trap is a chamber)
say the intake is the 100 CFM fan and the Exhaust is the 60.
if the intake is blowing harder than what the exhaust can handle what would happen inside the chamber? (think increase of pressure)
switch fans now, so 100 exhaust and 60 intake.
the exhaust is trying to pull more air than what the intake can supply with its motor, so it uses its motor to compensate
No Im saying don’t put them in front of each other, put them side by side instead, because the a fan can only run at the maximum rpm the motor can spin, or its considered a loss of power because the motor is in free spin, and the fan blades are spinning faster than the motor can replicate with power.
If you read the lower posts I made on the comments, it explains what I’m getting at in a little more detail
I don’t typicall use a variety of different cfm fans in a box but I have before. Are you saying to have the highest cfm fan first in the light trap then have the lower cfm fan deeper in the light trap? Thanks again for all of you help.