Stop Prop 19 Campaign Ad Response – Stop the lies and legalize

For those that may not know, Californians will be voting on proposition 19 on November 2nd, meaning that if it passes, California could become the first state to legalize weed. Now, anti-marijuana people are trying to keep it illegal by misusing and twisting facts, plain out lying and by trying to create plain out propaganda. When I saw this ad created by, I couldn’t believe the amount of BS information they had, so I decided to create this as a response in hopes that someone might end up watching this and learning something from it. (= If you wish to do more research on weed and don’t know where to start, I highly recommend watching “The Union: The Business of Getting High”. If you youtube it, you should be able to watch it for free. It is very eye-opening. I’ve watched several different documentaries, and ‘The Union’ is superb. =D Also – I’m sorry, I used Windows Movie Maker to create the video, and when I was trying to publish it it kept cutting out certain parts with sound. This one was just the one that wasn’t cut out as much. xD To watch the original video, go here;
Watch The Union. Just watch it. Trust me. Weed isn’t bad, it’s a wonderful plant and hemp is the best reliable source for rope, paper and clothes, along with many other things.
@tatomuck18 nobody NEEDS chocolate cake. shall we criminalize it?
@CaptainMatey That reminds me of a line from The union haha, Near the end one of the guys says I am paraphrasing here, though cannabis itself may not be addicting learning about it soon becomes addicting
@Pibblz I love that movie, That might be because I grew up in Kelowna though
@TASSOS502 Or you could but a pouch or tub of it just like smokes, That would be for people that prefer to smoke it in a bong, pipe or vaperizor
@TASSOS502 See it wouldn’t be more expensive The reason Cannabis costs what it does is because of the fact it is illegal It costs virtually nothing to grow all you need is water soil and light all of which you could get for free or for very very little,
But because it is illegal there is a huge risk factor in growing it and selling it, So they have to raise the price to combat this risk, If it were to be legalized it would more then likely be the same as smokes, 10 bucks for a pack of joints
weed isnt a gateway drug, 25 million people use weed in the U.S. So ur saying 25 million people do coke and meth too?? false, the people that snot coke and take meth are sorry to say it but messed up at it is, majority of average people draw the line at marijuanna because it has been proven that it is not physically addictivr
weed isnt a gateway drug, 25 million people use weed in the U.S. So ur saying 25 million people do coke and meth too?? false, the people that snot coke and take meth are sorry to say it but messed up at it is, majority of average people draw the line at marijuanna because it has been proven that it is not physically addictivr
it seems the more research you find about pot, the more you see about how truely harmless it is
although you are 100% right, to make this a more effective video you should cite credible sources.
@rastaspliff1 hurtin bud i get .8 of kush for 10 bones where im from, but standard price is 10 for a g
@TASSOS502 where i live it is comletely illegal and goes for $25/0.8g, minimum… and its shit!
fuck making it legal. they’ll make it too expensive and im not down to pay 25 bucks a gram
the real gateway drug is caffeine. marijiana is safer for you then alcohol and tabacco. And it is even safer then caffeine. LEGALIZE IT.
How come everyone is 4 legalization of weed and it didnt pass wtf till next time im a be 21 in 2012 anyways i have 2 just keep smokin
no fake neggas that smoke weed but are against it
@79boboso You can only be mentally addicted to pot, not physically.
@tatomuck18 To be able to smoke our favorite herb without anyone bothering us.
Marry me?
calling somthing “fact” doesnt make it true. it means it can be proven or disproven. where an opinion is personal bias
Ok, amsterdam has a population of 450k, which is why there are more pot smokers in the US than in amsterdam. However, despite it being legal to buy from coffeeshops, the same percentage of the population smokes as in the US. Also, the real gateway drug is actually sugar. Most “addictive personalities” are developed by excessive sugar ingestion as children. Every time you give your kids a candy bar, they get a sugar high. Food for thought…
@urajokeass watch this you will laugh …/watch?v=OiXtAf69_Dc
@urajokeass your funny how am i pulling your nuts lol did you watch the vids i watch i hope you like them
@kadmiri420 Thats some funny shit.Your a tit.kadmiri420
@kadmiri420 Your pulling my nuts.
well it didnt pass anyway