Stop Prop 19 Campaign Ad Response – Stop the lies and legalize

Stop Prop 19 Campaign Ad Response – Stop the lies and legalize

For those that may not know, Californians will be voting on proposition 19 on November 2nd, meaning that if it passes, California could become the first state to legalize weed. Now, anti-marijuana people are trying to keep it illegal by misusing and twisting facts, plain out lying and by trying to create plain out propaganda. When I saw this ad created by, I couldn’t believe the amount of BS information they had, so I decided to create this as a response in hopes that someone might end up watching this and learning something from it. (= If you wish to do more research on weed and don’t know where to start, I highly recommend watching “The Union: The Business of Getting High”. If you youtube it, you should be able to watch it for free. It is very eye-opening. I’ve watched several different documentaries, and ‘The Union’ is superb. =D Also – I’m sorry, I used Windows Movie Maker to create the video, and when I was trying to publish it it kept cutting out certain parts with sound. This one was just the one that wasn’t cut out as much. xD To watch the original video, go here;

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