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Someone help me do some online school shopping?

Someone help me do some online school shopping?

So I’m going into my freshman year of high school this year.
Here’s the dress code.

“Short shorts or short skirts(lengths must not be shorter than half way from hip bone to the knee), Low rise garments must not be more than two inches from the waist, White undershirt tank garment (male or female), bathing suit tops, tube tops, halter tops, spaghetti strap clothing, bare midriff, off the shoulder blouses, see-through clothing, cleavage should not be visible, undergarment type clothing is not to show or to be worn on top of outer garments, baggy pants (no bare skin to show), clothing with obscene or offensive logos, graphics, lettering or handwritten wording, clothing advertising or promoting alcohol, drugs, weapons, violence, hate or any illegal substances, spikes and chains on any article of clothing, hats, head gear or bandanas, hoods slippers or pajamas (except on theme days) are not to be worn in the classroom or buildings.”

K,so can someone find me some cute and stylish average/plain/some more elaborate clothes that still follow these guidelines?

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Someone help me do some online school shopping?

Someone help me do some online school shopping?

So I’m going into my freshman year of high school this year.
Here’s the dress code.

“Short shorts or short skirts(lengths must not be shorter than half way from hip bone to the knee), Low rise garments must not be more than two inches from the waist, White undershirt tank garment (male or female), bathing suit tops, tube tops, halter tops, spaghetti strap clothing, bare midriff, off the shoulder blouses, see-through clothing, cleavage should not be visible, undergarment type clothing is not to show or to be worn on top of outer garments, baggy pants (no bare skin to show), clothing with obscene or offensive logos, graphics, lettering or handwritten wording, clothing advertising or promoting alcohol, drugs, weapons, violence, hate or any illegal substances, spikes and chains on any article of clothing, hats, head gear or bandanas, hoods slippers or pajamas (except on theme days) are not to be worn in the classroom or buildings.”

K,so can someone find me some cute and stylish average/plain/some more elaborate clothes that still follow these guidelines?

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Is this a good vaporizer?

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Is this a good vap for Marijuana? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Herbal-Vaporizer-Digital-Vaporizer-Grinder-Whip-16f-/150602093759?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23109594bf How good is it and how high do you get? Read More »
