SOLT 2003 – The Prince of Pot: – Ontario Lawyer Brian McCallister talks about Marijuana Law – Part 3

Please support Pot-TV and Subscribe From the Pot-TV Archive. Originally released on April 25th, 2003. This video is from a couple of months before the Summer of Legalization Tour began. Marc tells us about upcoming events such as the Drug War Vigil Video Contest, the May 3rd Marijuana March, the Toker’s Bowl and more, then talks to Ontario Lawyer Brian McCallister who has been challenging the validity of the Canadian Cannabis Laws.
Good series. You should try to do an updated version where you could talk about the slow judicial progress and the disappointing legislative future like the NDP selling out or Bill C-15.
I wish Marc was running Canada
marc is a hero. he has inspired me to grow better..overgrow the government
hell ya first view