Slide Loop Clasp for Hemp Jewelry

Double your knotter and anchor the bend. Tie 3 square knots with the bead carrier and then switch the bead carrier and knotters.
Double your knotter and anchor the bend. Tie 3 square knots with the bead carrier and then switch the bead carrier and knotters.
I love hemp necklaces and i can NEVER find them in stores, i googled “hemp necklaces” and i... Read More »
Ok, I got a great hemp necklace at Ozzfest 06. It was made by some rasta dude that... Read More »
i want to know what size the thicker hemp is? i got some 10lbs and 20lbs hemp but... Read More »
you didn’t show how to start it…….
I’m having to use 4 thin strands of hemp :/ And mine won’t slide.
would this work for a starter to a friendship bracelet made from Embroidery floss (like the candystripe and chevron)? because that would be a great way to start and finish a bracelet
i’m wondering the same because technically once you switch the bead carrier and the knotting strands you end up using the short bead carrier to finish the brace let how the hell does that work out? lol. Are we spose to start with the super long strands as the bead carrier?
this is so good and your teaching is great but please please make another video showing how to start this, cos then it would be perfect
and the same with all the others would also be fantastic 
(sorry, I don’t get all those explanations in the comments, I think I need to see someone actually do it).
its a ring!
“itty bitty”
Question. Do you know how to make a knot that can hold a rock/stone/crystal without any holes or pins for a hemp to go through?
oh my gosh. this is exciting. I just learned a lot in two minutes. woowhooo!!!
yeah how do you start this
How do you start this?
Do I lock the very tip/beginning where I slide the lock in?
Hello! great video, much help with my latest stuff. I was having a hard time trying to find a way to tie it off, this was just the thing i needed. ~ <3
lol its so small its a ring =]
okay mine looks just like his, but it wont slide. it would help if he showed how to start it. i just tied 3 square knots on to the bead carriers but they don’t slide at all.
Thank you for the great macame’ video explanations. You are easy to follow, especially for us beginners, and your voice clarity and speaking speed are easy to understand. Look forward to future posts!
do you smoke ganja?
and now i know what hemp it made out of..
that’s soooooooo cooooool!!!!! imma use this trickkk now!
thanks so much
The bead carrier only is on the hook. He does not use a knot . While the bead carrier is on the hook, start making the 3 square knots, That’s how you get only one loop at the top.
how did he make only one hoop at the top?
i always get 2 hoops
do you kno how?
cool. thanks
people have hobbies if you didnt know it, thats why the channel was created… for hemp projects he actually sells these to make some money do anything that makes his job faster is a plus…. and i have a board with a hook in it for projects like this.
That was very clever! I love that technique, and I’m gonna use it. Thanks for posting this!