Side table grow box

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Check out my new grow box.
Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
lol maybe make it a little cheaper but add a light trap so you dont see that light
this is sick. looks alot like mine but mines kinda janky lol
go to Growrelentless com for premium grow boxes.
what lights do u use
Pretty nice tomato plants that totally weren’t proxied for marijuana.
pretty nice i would like to know how to build a very good stealth box for my personals. tell meeeeee
@ILOVESUBLIME222 build it yourself then…
@TheDaddy0420 really high when i wrote that. thats what i meant. other way around hahaha
@rjcw2 do you have any with mylar instead of foil, and can you make one a bit biger.
@MuddySouthernWaterz LMFAO
@grindinghurts555 it would be worse there would be light on the floor
heat rises
The baffel will hide the light coming from the back.
Install a light baffel on back.
does it smell at all?
Its actually better to have the exhaust at the top of the box and an intake fan at the bottom of the box, just saying lol
you should have added tiny legs on and put the exhaust on the bottom better overall and less light for people to see
where did you get the l.e.d lights?
damn homie..thas nice…prices are a little out of my range tho..but if i had it at the def give u a call
would you make one with nothing in it, so its just the empty set of drawers so i canmod it to my needs ohh and would you ship to the uk ?
fuck that 350
Yes I would love to. At the current time I am out of the wooden color boxes. I have some that look exactly the same except that they are white. I currently have one put together that has three cfl fixtures in it. I could also build you one with the led lights just like the one in this video. The box with cfl fixtures will run about $350+ shipping. The Led box is $450+shipping. You can call me at 678-478-1141 to talk about options and prices. I can customize to your needs.
nice nice wanna sell one