Should US citizens be able to farm marijuana in the US to send overseas?

Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.2 out of 5 stars This T5 Grow light system is great... Read More »
Small plot, Aussie Outdoor Marijuana grow opp. Australia 2009 – 2010. I will be uploading updates to this... Read More »
PROP 215 LEGAL GROW These 2 of my EasyRyder ladies! They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,... Read More »
sorry cant to that and the laws will never get modified. The republicans are anti happy smoke.
If we farm the stuff to send it overseas, at least it will create some jobs here instead of sending them overseas, but I would say most of it would be sold here.
But we can’t have people getting high and putting people to work here in America, it is much better to put them in jail and send the money overseas.
Personally, I think they should be able to grow it and sell it right here. I am hoping to see it legalized in the near future. It is no worse than tobacco or alcohol…and both of those are legal.
More people use it here…Is this a political question?
But why in the H E Doublehockeystix would we want to send it overseas?
It appears that may be the only thing this government leaves for farmers to grow!
Clean house in 2010!
They would never lack for field worker who carry big lunches
Even if they could the Gov. would be all over it with taxes! Profit would not be worth it.
No. Drugs have been detrimental to the world economy and well-being of the people and animals on Earth for the entire time of their existence (except arguably Opium to bring back power to Europe-specifically Britain (but not really)).
No …
I think so but I am one of those that feels that the war on drugs is ineffective, inefficient and nothing short of a fraud by owners of various corporations including the Carlyle group (I realize that it’s not the Bilderberg Group) that ultimately runs the world. Arrest people for something that they do anyways and get them hooked on their drugs…such as the pharmaceutical narcotics that have probably hit the streets near you. A slavery class was created that works for the owners of Big Brother. Great!
40 years after the war on drugs began, everyone is so conditioned to believe that you should go to prison for being on drugs. Seriously? It is absolutely timeless. They have been around as long as people have been around but now, just now, they are a social problem? The only problem is that they are so flippin’ expensive thanks to the black market (for those who choose to use drugs…I personally don’t).
End the War on Drugs!
Google: The Last White Hope and Watch it! Re-condition everything that you were taught in regards to drugs being illegal.
I know that you haven’t seen it or read anything in regards to it if you are still in favour of picking and choosing which drugs are decriminalized.