Should Pennsylvania Legalize Marijuana? Allen St. Pierre of NORML vs. David Freed (1 of 10)

The following is a debate on the subject of marijuana between Allen St. Pierre Executive Director, NORML and the NORML Foundation and David Freed, Cumberland County District Attorney. The event was moderated by Professor Daniel Kenney of Dickinson College and hosted by Dickinson College. Link to the original video: Link to NORML website:
It’s not that fucking hard, legalize marijuana, tax the hell out of it, and let people who smoke smoke it, those who dont go onto their own business. Whos with me?
Is Marijuana a gateway drug? No. Mis-classifying pot as a drug is as harmful as telling a child his water pistol is a REAL gun, some day he may murder from your lies and manipulation. This plant has an OD factor the same as Celery or apples. This lying about pot being a DRUG gives kids a false sense of security about drug use. Crack, Heroin, Alcohol and tobacco WILL KILL you, the pot plant will NOT no matter how much you take PERIOD!
Let’s get it passed people are i need of a great alternative medicine. Why prescribe pills? Prescribe Marijuana!
Let’s get it passed people are i need of a great alternative medicine. Why prescribe pills? Prescribe Marijuana!
great video but i find it hard to find all of the parts, My suggestions please do a video response for part 2 and then 3 and so on. This was people will be able to find the next video very quickly and receive this great piece of information, thank you
All Americans check out my channel,
learn of my trip cross Country to gather signatures for the immediate re-legalizaton of Marijuana as it pertains to our Constitutonal Rights, as well as gathering signatures for the immediate release of Marc Emery, as Under the United States Constitiution he has commited no crime. There are no victims. get involved, come see me as I visit a city near you this Spring, Summer, and Fall
there was a phone number where people could call and vote for legalization i dont have it anymore but i called and voted i would love to get a hold of the pennsylvania legislation and vote for this to be passed because i personally use wed for my insomnia and anger management and its just too much to walk home having to wory about being stopped by a cop just about every night of my life
The prohibition of marijuana is soon coming to the end. The same way we see AMA change there stance on marijuana.
The same way we see more and more states legalize and regulate marijuana on the grounds they so choose.
The greatest about it is, that more people are less likely to believe the prohibition. They will no longer accept fear mongering and facts.
Just like the Shafer Commission and the science czars resigning in protest of Professor Nutt’s firing these past few days.
“so if anything the fed gov is for legalization of MEDICAL marijuana.”
No offence, but this is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard on the subject. You must be younger than 17 years old.
“and stop fighting on the internet and call you local legislation and get this shit passed”
Why stop? And yes I have contacted my congressman. And yes I do get involved. And I give money to lobbyist (i.e. NORML). So stop assuming. You make an ass of yourself.
“they will not raid clinics or ppl that have been prescribed marijuana.”
Read the memo. And why are you bringing this up on this video?
“the fed gov has nothing to do with this.. obama already said that the gov is steppinng back and letting the state desidewhere it goes on there own.”
This debate is about re-legalizing marijuana, not medical marijuana. And you should read the memo sent out by the justice department. I have. Have you? Also, the Fed DOES NOT recognize medical marijuana.
the fed gov has nothing to do with this.. obama already said that the gov is steppinng back and letting the state desidewhere it goes on there own. in fact he said that if a state does chose to legalize medical marijuana. they will not raid clinics or ppl that have been prescribed marijuana. which goes against what bush was doing. so if anything the fed gov is for legalization of MEDICAL marijuana. and stop fighting on the internet and call you local legislation and get this shit passed
MARIJUANA should be leagalized because it is not a bad thing…. it grows natrualy makes u feel good stimulates the economy makes good ethinol which is a good source of energy but no we see this beautiful herb as a harmfull substance when were all drinking alcohol. now to show u im not some dumb kid just trying to get fucked up 1 friday nite. i dont even touch alcohol, used to, but i dont missed those days puking everywhere. leagalize it!
The federal govt is a bitch isnt it
another video of people just talking about what they wanna do but just can’t change it….
Ok. What are your sources?
went back,checked my sources, sorry to hurt your feeling, but fact, yes they both smoked, sorry to hurt you but they did.
Dont just take information and spread it without checking your sources first. How do you suppose rumors spread?
they both GREW and SMOked it.
“both jefferson and washington smoked…fact. ”
Myth: Check your sources. Dont just take information and spread it without checking your sources first. How do you suppose rumors spread? They grew hemp. How do you get “they smoked weed” from that? I support legalization. I dont support myth.
popular marijuana use actually began before that both jefferson and washington smoked…fact.