Should marijuana be legalized…?

Should marijuana be legalized…?

In California there is Proposition 19. It is slated for the November elections and will bring to the voters their ‘decisive vote’; should marijuana be legalized.

On the one side, there is the argument that crime will go down since ‘gangs’ will have one source of income removed. That with marijuana legalized, it can be regulated, its use monitored and its novelty use will cease. Legalized, it will generate much needed taxes for local and state governments.

Then there’s the other camp. Their belief is that it will have no effect on crime. That with it legalized, it will, as it does now, serve as a ‘gate-way’ into harsher more addictive drugs. That despite being legalized, there would still the existence of synthetic narcotics that would then be combined in use with marijuana. Even if legalized, marijuana does possess seeds that could be utilized to grow ones own marijuana, thus evading the regulative arm of the government.

My query; what’s your position, view and input to this proposition? Even if you’re not from California, I’d like your input?

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