should drugs like marijuana, salvia, shrooms, that show no true physical or mental harm, be illegal?

i wrote a question asking whether salvia should be illegal or not, and got all the answers i figured i would get. the people that said no it should stay legal advocate for freedom and the “if it doesnt hurt anyone lets do it” mentality as do i. the ones that said yes relate it to other psychoactive drugs like acid and hardcore crack/meth, saying if we leave this legal we might as well make those legal. the only problem is.. where are the withdrawal effects of salvia that u get from trying to stop smoking crack or shooting heroin? there are none. i advocate for legalizing that which doesnt hurt people limiting it to a reasonable mary jane, salvia divinorum which is legal, and shrooms. what do u guys think?
everything has a bad rep but do your homework on this one id rather not any answers that are completely bias. and dont relate the drugs to the governments position on them please i already know what the government thinks. i know people think that by doing these drugs teens might wanna try other ones but if everyone knows their stats and info of withdrawal symptoms of the actual BAD drugs im sure teenagers and adults wouldnt.
maybe by keeping things illegal, the people who break the law to try shrooms, since it doesnt do anything but has penalties of a hardcore drug… they feel like theyre already risking their ass for one drug, why not heroine if the govt treats it as bad in its classification bullshit. we all know its NOT. ever think about that people?
should things that dont hurt people in any way be illegal?
yeah cite your sources… cause some fool tried stating a bunch of bs facts that made no sense. everything states was disproven here:
haters keep hating. open ur minds with ganj. maybe then you’ll be able to see past what you’ve been brainwashed to think.
it is not the actual drug that does harm but it is the toxins that get it the plants that are harmful and the stuff that is used to cut them up. For example it would be like adding lead to non lead paint to make more paint. it’ a bad example but the same principle applies. legalizing it still won’t solve the problem because it could be robbed and resold it. Its legaliztion won’t make the crime go away all together but it might get rid of the the bigger problems.
“should things that dont hurt people in any way be illegal?”
That is possibly one of the most incorrect statements you can make about any drug. It’s true that drugs like Acid have a physical addiction quality to them that drugs like marijuana do not, but that’s only half the story. Marijuana and Shrooms are addictive. It’s on a mental level, not a physical level, but it’s the exact same thing.
Marijuana and Shrooms can both also lead to severe depression (over 5 times more likely than non-users), not to mention the various health problems that you’re exposing yourself to. It’s not unlike regular cigarettes or heavy alcohol consumption. But, we all know that all the cool kids missed that lesson in school.
And don’t give me any of that “it’s natural so it’s healthy” bullshit. Hydrogen Cyanide is natural too. Go sniff that instead, you’ll probably be doing the world a favor.
But hell, there’s only about 50,000 people killed a year in alcohol-related car accidents and about 5 million people killed a year from smoking, so why don’t we unleash another plethora of legal drugs to help thin out the population a bit, eh?
Of course, everyone’s always too dense to admit this. Students under the influence of Marijuana are 4 times more likely to not finish school. Then when you ask them why their average slid from an A to a C-, they’ll never admit its the drugs.
Marijuana is also a “gateway” drug, it’s effects won’t effect you forever, then like a true addict you will go searching for more, a stronger high from somewhere else. About 95% of drug users start with Marijuana.
Add the fact that you’re over 75% more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than a normal person, and that should be reason enough to stay away.
I’m not even touching on the severity of the situation with this post, but so far that should be reason enough for no one to want to use.
I’d like to keep my dick. But then again, I’ll be using it a lot more than an unemployed 30 year old man working at a McDonalds scrubbing the toilets (who supports the death of pregnant mothers, innocent people and children in DUI car accidents) ever will, so you might not care if yours stops working.
Any substance that modifies your actions is just plain retarded. Alcohol itself would be illegal if politicians weren’t the biggest users of it. Maybe you should stop to think for a while as to why your life sucks so bad that you need to “enhance it”.
But, then again, the more retards there are that ruin their lives, the more job opportunities and money there is for me. So go ahead. Become a statistic like the rest of them.
EDIT: Half of the shit that that ‘site’ posted is complete bullshit written by people just like you. But, I really don’t care if you fail at life. It’s your choice. Half the things I said were only confirmed by the website you posted, they just word it carefully to make it not look like a serious issue.
Get your hippy bullshit away from here. Don’t post these bullshit questions here if you’ve obviously already picked your standpoint on it all.
Salvia should definitely be legal because it has no as in ZERO proven negative side effects and not only that but it has a huge medicinal potential just check out
Not to mention in a science lab a cocaine addicted mouse shot with Salvia Divinorum extract immediately kicked its addiction with no withdrawal symptoms. By banning it they only make it harder for researchers to do their job. Salva Divinorum can also help mental disorders and so much more, i’ve no time or desire to write it all down right now at 2 in the morning, after a long day at work.
Shrooms are actually being illegalized even in the Netherlands, so they must be rather dangerous, since in that country MJ and other drugs are legal. The effects of shrooms are caused by toxic (poisonous) compounds, so how’s that not harmful. Also shrooms have no potential medicinal uses and most importantly the trip can last a whole day, so if its a bad trip can really mess you up. Salvia only lasts 15 mins tops.
I do believe Salvia WILL remain legal in most States and definitely on a federal level. Salvia has been popular for over a decade in the States and only a handful of States have banned it. Most States in fact HAVE had bills proposed to ban it, but most have failed. So it’s not that lawmakers don’t know about it, it’s that they’ve considered it and came to a conclusion that it should remain legal. I do agree with California and Maine’s recent laws which made it illegal for persons under 18 to use it. Underdeveloped brains should not be exposed to psychedelic and mind altering drugs.
That’s my 5 cents.
P.S. Even though MJ does do harm, such as kills brain cells, triggers paranoia, etc, I believe it should be legalized. Holland, where MJ is legal has in fact LESS users than the States. Just goes to tell you that if you give people freedom they can make the better choice. But if you limit their freedom, it makes them want to break the law just so they don’t feel restrained by some idiotic government. Alcohol and tobacco kill more people than any one illegal drug, so where’s the logic in that? Plus, anyone who wants to use MJ WILL, no matter what the law says. So by making MJ illegal, the gov’t loses billions of dollars in potential taxes (of legal marijuana sales) as well as billions in the moronic “war on drugs,” which will never be won, not to mention billions of dollars in paying for MJ users to be in jail. Seriously.. come on, wake up America.
Nice try Akari, good job generalizing every single person that does drugs into one category. Douche.
People don’t consume shrooms/salvia as often, or even close to how often alcohol or marijuana is used.
Did you also know that most shit they tell you in school about drugs is bullshit? I don’t blame the schools, not like you can tell the kids the real truth about drugs.. it would be a nightmare. Every kid would be doing drugs unresponsibly. What people need to learn is a little something i call “balance”. But that is a totally different discussion.
Ummm you can’t OD on marijuana or salvia either…and shrooms, well you are just a retard if you take too much. It isn’t something you can easily take too much of.
LOL WORKING AT MCDONALDS. Yeah, cuz if you smoke weed you will end up being a loser. Good job generallizing people douchebag.
You want the real facts, go to
You hit a nerve with that question my friend! The problem is that is not well built, and it intends to draw opinions on the side of legalization.
Good thing is that I agree with you about that, sometimes prohibition makes more trouble than concession, or at least it doesn’t change things for good.
What I don’t get, and I think I never will, is why government, banned smoking so quickly, arguing that it kills many people, in fact it does, but in the end is their own life, there are some second-hand smokers too, but drinking is as good as it was before, being the cause of a high percent of car crashes, domestic violence, and some sexual assaults, killing indirectly more innocent people than cigarette’s smoke.
That same thinking has been applied on drugs, they don’t have an equal methodology legislating two similar items.
In case you need to know more about things to do to avoid salvia from being banned, you can go to
In case you need some salvia I recommend they are manufacturers and they free-ship.
Happy holidays!
It doesn’t matter if it is bad for you or not. If that were the case cigs and alcohol wouldn’t be legal. This is big business and believe it or not there is a lot of money to be made (on both sides) of the drug war. The Drug war has widely been accepted as a failure by most americans. It still continues though because it is a political tool, an INDUSTRY, and a way to control americans. I don’t need to bother stating facts because this is common sense shit if you open your eyes and look at the whole picture. The great majority of all inmates in america are incarcirated for drug related offenses, many simple possession charges. If drugs were legal they would have no where nearly as many people to arrest. Companies get payed tax payer money to house inmates in privately owned and operated prison complexes. Many private military companies are contracted to help fight the war on drugs. Shit dude if it was about if they were bad for you or not we’d either be a sober fucking country or with true freedom to put whatever we want in our bodies like it should be.