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Shiska and Shisha Coal?

Shiska and Shisha Coal?

i bought a mini hookah… this one… http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3593/pumpkinblacklwg4.jpg but i cant get the right balance of coal and shisha. i put 1 coal and filled enough shisha in the bowl to fill it up but not tightly packed in. but i didnt get much smoke so put 2 coals but that is too much. Also more flavour in the bowl blocks up the holes and stops it flowing through the hookah. what is a good balance for this size hookah, i can get it right on my big one but the small one is harder to get a balance.
i bought a mini hookah… this one… http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/3593/… but i cant get the right balance of coal and shisha. i put 1 coal and filled enough shisha in the bowl to fill it up but not tightly packed in. but i didnt get much smoke so put 2 coals but that is too much. Also more flavour in the bowl blocks up the holes and stops it flowing through the hookah. what is a good balance for this size hookah, i can get it right on my big one but the small one is harder to get a balance.

EDIT: i put the water in so that the piece going into it is about 3/4 of an inch or 1 inch into the water. also i put the shisha in losely. i also put a foil cover over the shisha bowl and but lost of holes in it and then pu tthe coal on top. this reduces the amount of coal that goes into the shisha

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