Sheriff Lee Baca Vs Judge James Grey on Prop 19

Sheriff Lee Baca Opposes Prop 19. He gets confused and does make a statement in favor of Proposition 19 The Jude makes the point the there would be more strict regulation on providing pot to kids and it would take the prophits out of the cartel’s hands and the money would benifit the cities which chose to acto on proposition 19. Really it’s a great debate. Lee baca Definately lost and kinda dounded foolish.
I am from southern california, orange county and Sheriff Baca is one of the most corrupt sheriff’s in california his office is incompetent and only is against / for props that gives his office money… No more weed drug busts & not as many people in jail = less prisons, less correction officers, less money for the prison industrial complex, (i.e. the “justice” system) Baca could give a shit about you or me. …. PS, RON PAUL 12′, Legalize It. WE NEED 19 On The Ballot Again!!
i think people in the county hes in should probably consider voting for someone who isn’t a complete psychopath, wasting valuable resources and much needed taxpayer dollars
This Cop is a joke on society.
Lee Baca! Who the hell put this man in office???
Vote for Ron Paul in 2012. He is the only politician I have believed in a long, long time.
this guy is a fool stupid sherif
Sheriff Lee Baca is a moron who has no idea what he is talking about or worst he does know the difference but is arguing against marijuana due to his own special interests.
The judge is intelligent and makes sense, whereas the sheriff is a buffoon.
The sheriff is arguing that the Dispenseries are making too much money especially in this economic downturn is a joke, it is too funny to comprehend.
The sheriff is a mouthpiece for the drug, alcohol companies.
Sheriff Lee Baca is a moron. Either some corporate entity is paying him off or he is too stupid to realize the importance of proposition 19. He sounds just like all the other anti prop 19 puppets… ignorant.
Lol that judge smokes weed, you can tell from how eager & fervent he is in his argument.
Who gets our Americain Marijuana Money now???? JUAREZ MEXICO
Just the look on that pigs face makes him seem non believable and just arrogant and stupid.. VOTE YES ON 19 california we are all counting on you to lead the way!!
additive ? what the fuck is talking about ? go suck a dick cop . there afraid it would take away sales of booze did i say hey cop go suck a dick yet ?
additive ? what the fuck is talking about ? go suck a dick cop
r u serious bro how dumb can u get? is this what are police officers are taught?
2:50 “I have a large recovery center” THATS why he doesnt want it legal. His rehab center would probably lose over 70% of its patients who are forced into rehab by the courts! The same courts that he delivers said patients to when they are caught with marijuana. He arrests the people and gives them to the courts, and the courts demand rehabilitation as conditions of bond/probation/parole!
it’s not a sheriffs job to tell us how to vote… just uphold the laws we tell you to uphold
thumbs up if u think tha 1st dude blinks too fuckin much
That judge speaks the truth!!He RULES.
anyone blinking that much is telling lies.
fuck fox
It is estimated that 1 in 10 people will move on to other drugs. Why is this, because one who choses to be a drug addict loser will be just that. Someone who has no goals and no life. On the other hand most Marijuana users are non-violent, productive, job holding, responsible citizens. This is overlooked almost all of the time and pot smoking is always a stereotype that is false. Proper education is key. I can access Meth if I wanted, I don’t because I’m smarter than that. YES ON 19
The gateway theory is Bunk! The real gateway affect is by prohibition itself. Why, because it’s in the best interest of the often criminal drug dealer’s interest to get you hooked on more addictive drugs making you a more regular customer just like the tabacco companies do. That’s where the gateway theory should lie if it exists at all. I’ve smoked Marijuana for 11 years and have yet to move to other drugs.
I can’t beleive the Sheriff (Left) is even head of anything! The guy is simply a kook and should hold no power or decision making anywhere! He’s a danger to society simply on his beleive system. Now I see why the world is screwed up.
The guy on the left is WEAK and full of LIES
If it is so harmful then why has water killed more people than pot in the state where i live, EXPLAIN IT BITCH
What a weak arguement. I really hope Prop 19 passes. I see no sensible reason why marijuana is illegal. Let the People have their weed.
I want to know where this guy is getting $30 1/4s!!!! And $120 ounces!!!