Serious Medical Question?
Once upon a time I used to smoke pot. Mostly because I wasn’t a big “drinker” and chose instead, during my early college years, to reflect, regroup, and relax at home. I graduated college with high honors (both Associate Degrees as well as the very difficult Bachelors degree in Liberal Studies/ Elementary Education) Now that I have children, the reality that marijuana is illigal prevents me from ever partaking, as it’s not worth losing my family. Fast forward.
I am now prescribed Diazepam (2 mg) ( for anxiety)Hydrocodone/ Acetominophen (5/500) Ibuprofen (600 mg) and Cyclobenzaprine (10 mg) for ongoing severe lower back pain and spasms , Flourexetine (40mg) for depression and Trazadone (50mg) for insomnia. As a former Natural Foods store worker and advocate of natural medicine, I feel that Marijuana, in a LEGAL as well as prescribed and regulated environment would be more sensible. I’m not a criminal and would like to keep it that way. Please give me your opinion. Thank you.
Medical marijuana is helpful for the ailments you have described. I am assuming you live in a state where medical marijuana is not legal. If you have found that marijuana works well for your pain and anxiety, and the medications you have been prescribed are not helping, maybe it is extreme but you could consider moving to a state where marijuana is prescribed. California, Colorado are two states that come to mind. There is nothing wrong with using marijuana for medical purposes. But I would not advise obtaining, possessing, or smoking pot illegally for you or your kids’ sake. My personal opinion is marijuana is milder and less addictive than some of the meds you are on. Hope this is helpful.
I work in California in orthopedics and pain management. Although medical marijuana is “legal” any physician who writes a prescription for it can lose their license as marijuana is still illegal on a federal level.
With that said, I’ve seen cases where the use of marijuana has made a remarkable difference and the patients used it as they would any other medication; taken as prescribed. Then I’ve seen the other side where we’ve had drug seekers who just wanted the “legal high”.
On a personal level, I’m torn as I’ve seen it afford relief to those who would not have had any otherwise. But I also see the patients (and doctors) who have little or no conscious about how the medications (legal or otherwise) are prescribed or used.