Seed Exception and more Planting

Here is more explanation on seeds and tails. There is an exception for long tails on seeds and long stems.
Here is more explanation on seeds and tails. There is an exception for long tails on seeds and long stems. Check out this link now if you want to learn more about growing weed or buy the... Read More »
Day 21. Using 1 WHITE florescent light and 1 YELLOW florescent light. Each light is 100watts that give... Read More »
Grow Maxx’s grow guru Dave shows you how to start seeds totally hydroponic and with little or no... Read More »
How Many Hours*
(p.s how long should i wait b4 i start giving my plant light & how many hours should i start giving my little plant light )
when should you start giving the little seed with a tail once you planed it light to grow … n how long should i wait b4 i start giving the seed light & how many hours should i have the light on & off .. for her or he to grow up lovely …
please help me …
when should you start giving the little seed with a tail once you planed it light to grow … n how long should i wait b4 i start giving the seed light & how lany hours should i have the light on & off .. for her or he to grow up lovely …
plz help me …
genius lol
@fxzr and you guys make fun of us for saying “eh” lol
any know of videos on you tube about breeding marijuana for seeds?
WOw you guys do some crazy stuff .
I found if you let the plants have enough light they dont do that but geez never thought about busting out that tech if your faced with the situation
thanks man my 4 day old plant was fell over like yours i thot it was gone but i saved it thanks to this video
thanks a lot man
Stoney Girl eh? Must be a fellow Oregonian
See our video on Sexing. To optimize your growth, you can use the ferts.
Seeds grow fine without any additives or fertilizers its just that if you use fertilizers after its sprouted and grown for a while it will grow faster and stronger depending on what you put in your soil/water.
how can u determine the sex of a seed? and will it still be ok without ur starter fluid?